Recovering! Sephiroth x Ex-SOLIDER! Reader (PT. 5)

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(By the goddess this going to end up a ten parter at this rate. Oh well.
Moving on!)

Reader's P.O.V.

  Consciousness comes to me slowly. Followed quickly by a throbbing headache and a soreness in my sides I haven't felt since my cadet days. Though this is a pleasant kind of soreness. One that doesn't have the painful weight of overexertion tugging behind it. Honestly, I don't think I've laughed that much in a long time. It's not fair that Sephiroth of all people would be practically made for tickle fights. He has stupid agile spider fingers it's not fair.

  Once I'm done mentally whining about my tragic loss. I pry open my eyes and see I've been left on the couch. Glancing around a bit out of boredom I easily spot the silverette. He's laying against the couch napping.

  It puts a stupid little smile on my face. He has that soft look on his face. All the lines from when he's awake having vanished. He seems so young when he's like this. It makes my heart twist thinking about it. It feels like he's too young to have suffered this much in his life. That can be said about most people now a days, but I don't care for most people.

  Reaching over I find myself playing with his hair. Twirling the bang around my finger. Part of me thinks it is hilarious how soft it is. Something about playing with his hair is soothing to me. Maybe I've accidently been groomed to find it nice. That leads me into chuckling to myself. The sound wakes him up I guess. As his iconic eyes slide open. Staring at me with his pupils blown wide. Most likely blown wide because of the darkness of the room. It looks strange seeing how thin his eyes usually are. His mouth twitches up into a content smile. He seems as drowsy as I feel.

  "Morning Y/n." He grumbles in a low rumbling voice. That doesn't stop him from closing his eyes again. Relaxing into my hand as I keep playing with his hair. We stay like this for awhile. I guess neither of us wanna move. Pleasantly worn out from yesterday. We relax in the silence of each other's company.

  "Any plans for today?" He questions kindly and I hum thinking about it.

  "Gywn will need her morning routine. Sam is caring for my ranch. All I've really got is waiting until afternoon to go help Cloud." I mumble back and I feel Sephiroth jump. My mind back tracks as I realize what I just said. Goddess damnit.

  "Seph-" He shifts and takes my hand. Giving a slight squeeze in response.

  "Is he well?" Sephiroth ask sounding unsure. He's moved his face to hide it in my hand. I stare at him trying and failing to read his face.

   I chew my bottom lip thinking on it, "He's doing better now."

   I start and think about how far to dive into this. Deciding on it I begin telling Sephiroth about what's changed.

  "After everything took place Cloud got lighter. He smiles more and seems enjoying life a lot more. I've even gotten to spend time with the kiddos. Taking care of them while Cloud and Tifa go out on date nights. They're relationship has really bloomed after everything." I explain and Sephiroth stays silent. Probably turning my words in his heads. I feel him play with my hand. Running his thumb along the outside of my hand.

  "That's good." He mumbles and I hear him sigh in relief. I listen and hear Sephiroth release a shaky breath. That gets me sitting up as I use my other hand to cup his cheek. Sephiroth's head is basically in my lap. Checking him over I see the slightest shining on his eyes and cheeks.

  "Seph. Are you alright?" I gently question while rubbing away his tears. Only getting more confused as a small smile forms on his face.

  "That's good." He repeats and let's out a shakey chuckle. Despite his tears he looks so deeply relieved. I guess through all his reminiscing he hadn't thought about Cloud. Probably because of all the guilt tied to that.

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