Recovering! Sephiroth x Ex-SOLIDER! Reader (Pt. 2)

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This is turning into a three partner because I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO WHAT I ORIGINALLY MEANT TO WRITE!! God damnit all~

Reader's P.O.V.

   "Hey Vince I'm checking in." I talk fairly loudly into the home. Taking the key Vincent gave me out of the lock. Closing the door behind me. Using my other arm to carry the heavy box of supplies. This little arrangement has been going on for two months. So Vincent saw it more then fitting to give me a key. Just in case he isn't there, or if I'm in a hurry and can't wait around.

  Heading into the kitchen I place the box down. Putting the food I got for Vincent away. He can do his own shopping sure, but there are things here he can't get. Not without leaving his charge alone for a long time. Including the fish from Mideel and fresh rice from Wutai. Putting everything away that should be in the kitchen I stand up. I put the extra bits away too. Plates, forks, spoons, knives, and various cooking tools. Figured I'd give them the option to cook any meal they'd like if they are willing to try.

  Folding the empty package to reuse the box. I pick it up and decide to head out. Ready to grab one of the next sets of boxes I have. Opening the door I pause at a loud familiar sound.

  "Kweh!" I walk out to look at my beloved mount. Pausing at the scene before me.

  My golden and cream Chocobo, Gywn. Is exactly where I left her. Unsurprising since she's easily my most well behaved bird. What is surprising is she's nestled down. Laying her head in the lap of a familiar stranger.

  "Hey, when did you sneak passed?" I gently ask Sephiroth whose sat on the ground. His hands brushing through Gywn's feathers. Petting her crown with an odd gentleness. Coming over I kneel beside Gywn. Getting my next package off of her saddle. In these two months I've become a lot more comfortable with Sephiroth. Though this is the first time he's been outside when I'm around.

  He lifts his head actually responding to me. Shocking since I know he's under some serious mako posioning. Vincent was stupidly thankful when I came to him with that knowledge. It took some effort even though as a SOLIDER I already a lot about mako. I ended up turning to Cloud since I knew he had even more experience. Turns out he had extreme mako posioning once. After he described to me what he remembered of it. Things clicked for me. That's what Sephiroth is suffering from. Without a shadow of a doubt. Cloud's description and this were just too one to one.

   I smile gently at the man, "Vincent's not home right?"

  He stares for a bit before slowly nodding. He's getting a lot better. A lot faster then Cloud recited his own recovery taking. I shift my grip on the box and stand up.

  "Are you hungry?" He tracks me with his gaze. Gywn kewhs again and he pets her some more. I leave Sephiroth with the question. Heading inside to put this box of stuff away. This time to the living room. Vincent got a bookshelf to fill with books for himself and Sephiroth. I start putting the books away. Helping fill up Vincent and Sephiroth's home. Turning to grab some more I see Sephiroth on the couch. He's holding a thick white book.

  "Find one you like?" He looks up at me before looking back to the book. Looking over his shoulder I see it's a massive poetry book. 'Loveless' printed in solid black letters across the front of it. I take some more books as I put them away. Guess I hit the nail on the head for something Sephiroth would enjoy.

  I pause when I hear something. Slowly looking over my shoulder I look at the general. "What?"

Silence follows before, "Genesis."

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