Sephiroth x Experiment! Reader x Vincent

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Author's Note(s)
You can consider this a part two to Rufus x Experiment! Reader x Tseng.

Also MYSTERIES, mysteries!

Vincent's P.O.V.

The group breaks apart scattering like rats. Everyone having what they wanted to do in mind. Cloud and Cid bolted to the chocobo races. Barret heads off to the shooting gallery. While the the girls all go somewhere else for a 'Girls Day' as Aerith put it. Red and I get left behind in the horror themed Inn. Red lays on the end of my bed rooming with me. I'm laying on the bed arms crossed. Staring up at the ceiling silently.

"Can't think of anything to do?" Red asks me and I hum shaking my head in response.

"You?" I question the fellow experiment who tilts his head. Giving his equivalent to a shrug. Sighing I drop my head back closing my eyes.

"You seem bothered Valentine." Red points out the obvious.

"Yeah, I have an itch of sorts. Old instincts coming to life and thrumming." I grumble not sure how else to explain it. I feel Red shift at my feet and I look at him. He's risen to his feet and he jumps off the bed. Landing on the floor walking towards the door. Curious I sit up and watch him. Red stops and looks at me expectantly.

"Well, do you want to satisfy that itch?" He asks and I hide the small smile that comes to my face. Red is blunt and wonderfully intolerant of mandering. It contrast myself quite well. Perhaps that's why we forged a bond so quickly. Nodding I swing my own feet over the side of the bed and rise into a stand. Walking to the door Red let's me take the lead. With Red by my side I head out to scratch this irritating itch.

Tseng's P.O.V.

"Stop frowning Tseng. You can't help the state your in." Rufus scolds me lightly and I sigh. The hours that were wasted both by him and my doctor are what's irritating me. I fight back a wince as the wound in my torso flashes in pain. Sephiroth didn't manage to kill me, but he did some serious damage. Keeping me held captive in Shinra tower. Torso bound in white bandages and almost one hundred stiches.

"No, but I can help that AVALANCHE got away and are traveling across the world uninhibited." I raise my eyes from my paper work. Finally looking at Rufus and observing him. He's slouched on the Turk's office couch. One arm resting across the top. Dark Star, also wrapped in bandages, is laying on his left. Her front paws and head resting on his lap. On his right is Y/n Tuesti. Director Reeve still is unaware of the girl's true origins. The experiment is curled into a ball. Tucked into Rufus side with his other arm wrapped around her.

She's currently fast asleep and very content. Changes have happened as we came to adapt to her presence. Besides becoming more comfortable with her. We've also solved other problems, perceived or otherwise. One of the perceived ones was her naked nature.

Y/n has been clothed in specialty armor. Designed by Hojo though he was not the most excited about it. It is to help keep her safe and help her remain on land without the consquences of it. It resembles a f/c one piece bathing suit, mostly at Rufus insistence, with other accessories and equipment. It's made of a flexible material that isn't too dissimilar from her skin. She has shoulder guards that are sleek and made of Midgar Serpent scales. Most of her equipment is made of it actually. Though the main piece has Malbero skin underneath the scales. Along with the shoulder guards she has belts around her thighs and her hips that hold containers of water.

Said containers each have tubes coming out of them. They all meet in nape area of her outfit. Where a metal collar is resting. It's connected to the inner malbero lining of her clothes. The water gets pumped from the containers into it to keep her from becoming dehydrated. The Malbero skin was specifically used because it's absorbent and can hold water even in burning conditions that would dry out other materials. Including allowing her to breath through it. She's adored it ever since putting it on, even including the mask.

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