Recovering! Sephiroth x Ex-SOLIDER! Reader (Pt. 1)

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Author's Note
There is definitely x Cloud and x Vincent if you want to see it that way. This is a Sephiroth one shot I swear, but my love for Vincent kind derailed the whole thing and I only noticed after. Hence me throwing a PT 1 on the title. The second pt will have way more Sephiroth I promise.

Reader's P.O.V.

   "This should be the last one for today." Cloud sighs as he hands over a package to me. I take it and put it in the storage of my own motorcycle. Getting up I roll my shoulders. Today has been a tiring one even for me. Looking over my shoulder I scan over my fellow ex-SOLIDER. He looks exhausted and even more worn out then myself.

   He's covered in the dust most likely kicked up by his beloved bike, Fenrir. I can see his usually gravity defying blonde locks are down. Matted down and most likely knotted with dirt and sweat. He's sitting on his bike not bothering to stand.

  My eyes flick to his face and I can see the massive bag under his eyes. He's also paler then usual. Licking my cracked lips I sigh and turn around. Settling on the seat of my own bike. I rest my arms on my knees. Playing with the latch on my wrist. Readjusting my gloves to avoid speaking up just yet.

  "Whose that one go to by the way? Seemed heavier and larger then the usual." I comment and raise my gaze from my lap. Fuck, the sun has to be right behind him. Reaching for my pocket I throw on my sunglasses. Sighing in relief from the over all darker sight. Cloud lifts his head and hums. Reaching up he messes with his own hair.

  "You remember Vincent right?" He questions and I nod. Giving a two fingered salute to him. I remember the crimson Gunner quite well. So does my pet parrot who hops around his cage. Mimicking the grunts and sighs when he's irritated. Just like the raven haired man would make more often then not. If I remember right he's usually found in that creepy glowing forest. Though after what happened with Deep ground things might have changed.

  "The package is for him. It's a bit of everything from everyone. For his birthday." I raise my brow at that.

  "Wait you got his birthday out of our gloomy Gunner?" He chuckles and shakes his head.

  "Fuck no, Yuffie just decided a date." I break out into laughter at that. Of course the young ninja is responsible. She's become something of little sister or daughter to the ex-Turk.

  "Got it, where is he skulking around now?" Cloud smiles and reaches into his pocket. Pulling out a folded up note. He tosses it to me and I catch it. Unfolding the letter to see it has an address and location on it. My eyebrows shoot up at that.

  "Oh? He finally found himself a place to kick up his feet?" I chuckle and fold the note back up. Going in my pocket I yank out my wallet. Popping it open I slide the letter into one of the folds.

  "Well I don't mind taking that for you. Seems pretty far from Edge any ways." I tease as I tuck my wallet away. Looking up I get stunned for a moment. Cloud is looking at me with a full am on his face. Eyes crinkling at the edges from it. It's been awhile since I've seen Cloud smile like that.

  "Thanks Y/n, you've been seriously helpful lately. Tifa's and the kids have been super thankful to have me home so much more. Now that I don't have to take every single order myself." I start to grin at his words. That's the most I've heard out of him in a while. Never thought the next time I'd hear so much out of him it would be thanks to me. After all, I just help him with his delivery service. Taking all the packages from him that go a certain range away from Edge. Since I don't live in Edge. I have a closer radius to most those orders. So we meet at a half way point. I take the orders and send him the pay. Tifa insisted I keep some of the pay since, 'I've been so helpful,' even though I haven't done that much. Other then letting him stay closer to home.

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