(Request) Alphinaud Leveilluer x Mercenary! Reader

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Alphinaud's P.O.V.

   "The warrior of light has returned?" I question and Alisaie nods happily. She's absolutely estatic about it. Which isn't too shocking in all truth. Her idolization of the Warrior is no secret to anyone. We travel down halls to go and meet them.

  "I've also heard they have someone with them." Alisaie states and I raise a brow.
  "Is it anyone we know?" My sister shakes her head. Her smile falling at my comment.

  "They're a new party member," She grumbles and I wait, "They're also a mercenary." I close my eyes and give a dramatic nod. That explains her painful distaste. Alisaie is always cynical about people. Throw in the Warrior of Light and someone whose entire occupation is fueled by their self interest, and of course she going to be skeptical.

  "We will have to meet them and see." I say and she side glares at me.

  "You'll understand what I mean. When we meet them." Eventually we reach the library where the Warrior of Light is waiting for us. I pause a moment when I notice the unfamiliar face. It's a Xaela woman standing beside the warrior of light. She's dressed lightly with a f/c top. No sleeves to be found only belts. They are wearing a leather piece around their torso. Held up by crossed belts. (Think Sephiroth.)
   They are wearing loose pants and knee high boots. Her arms are crossed as she stands beside the Warrior. Scales, spines, and black clawed gauntlets. Wearing a steely grimance on her face. The moment we enter the door her eyes shoot up and pin on us. Burning brightly with e/c battle rage.

  "Warrior! You're back!" Alisaie calls and sprints to their side. Being stopped as the Xaela appears between her and the Warrior. The two women glare at each other. The Warrior stands and raises a hand.

  "It's fine Y/n, Alisaie is my friend." The Warrior assures and the woman, Y/n, looks over her shoulder. Before stepping to the side. Getting out of Alisaie's way. I step closer and she nods to me.

  I turn to the warrior and smile, "It's good to see you again. Alisaie and I are grateful for your safe return."

  "I am happy to have returned in one piece. Though that's mostly thanks to my new companion." Raising a hand they gesture at the Xaela woman. Smiling at them with the warmth usually reserved for close friends. The Warrior of Light seems to show off their new companion with pride.

  "I've heard your companion is a mercenary, but sadly I haven't learned anything else." I explain and turn to them. Bowing to them in an attempt to be polite.

  "There is little else to learn." She gives a clipped answer. Seeming more annoyed then anything. Unsurprising considering how combat orientated her race is. No doubt niceties aren't something she's too inclined to participate in.

  "Sure there is," The Warrior smiles at her, "Our meeting for example." The woman shakes her head and sighs.

  "Why must I be the one to tell that tale?" She seems strangely fine with Warrior of Light pressing her. She's not estatic but she appears to lose some of her annoyance. Instead choosing a none reactive deadpan.

  "Because, your a magnificent story teller." They state proudly as the woman raises a brow.

  "And because you were unconcious for most of it I'm assuming?" Her tone is light and somewhat mocking. This makes the the Warrior's cheeks turn a dusty pink. Reaching up to rub the back of their neck shyly. Clearly embaressed by the woman's claim.

  "Be kind to me please, darling." My brows go up at that last part. The woman snorts at that. Rolling her eyes at the Warrior's words. Alisaie bulks at that last word. She sighs and shakes her head. Before pining her attention back on us.

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