Yandere! Cloud x Reader

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He's a wholesome Yandere. Not Maria Nikki levels Yandere.
Honestly I don't even know if I got the Yandere part across. I'm bad these, but I tired.

Reader's P.O.V.

  "Leave me alone." I snap at man who has been trailing me from work to the cafe I take lunch at every day.
  "What I'm just hanging out!" I glare at the man with his dirty brown hair. It's like a mop flat and dead on his head. He sits across from after a failed attempt of sitting next to me.
  "Your stalking me is what your doing." I growl it out and geuinly consider throwing this scorching coffee in his face. He frowns at that and shrugs.
  "I'm just trying to get a number. Nothing wrong with that." I aggressively tap my fingers on the table.
  "It's wrong that you can't seem to take a hint." He crosses his arms and lies back in his chair, but makes no move to leave despite his displeasure. I jump up and cursed when he tries playing footise with my leg underneath the table.
  "Fuck you." I stomp off coffee in hand desperate to get away from this man.
  "Oh come on babe!" He gets up and actually tries to grab for me, but the loudest snap I've ever heard fills the air. The guy yelps and I watch as the newcomer who grabbed and presumably just broke his wrist glares at him.
  "Your a creep. Take a hint and leave before someone else decides they're going to more then break your wrist." This blonde tilts his head to the counter. I take a peek and see a well known merc group glaring the guys way. Some with their hands on various weapons. The gruff bastard goes pale. Before pulling his broken wrist away from the blonde. Before skittering off out the door and probably into some ally way. I smile at the mercs who nod my way. Settling back down and I look at the blonde. Who slings a big box off his back and onto a free table.
   "Well if it isn't the delivery boy!" The owner of the cafe struts over clapping her hands, and wearing the world's most convincing customer service smile.
  "Little boys love playing hero don't you." She teases the blonde who is sat on a table now. Arms crossed and silently ignoring her jabs at him.
  "You have to sign for this one Betty." She gives a cheery 'of course.' Before taking a board off of him and signing whatever papers are on it. I look at my savior and admire what I see. Blonde hair is so rare now a days it's all browns and reds.
   Thinking about it don't think I have ever seen someone with blonde hair before. At least not real blonde.
  He's also got blue eyes to match. Pretty blonde haired and blue eyed. Thinking about that shade of blue, and how easy he just broke that dude's wrist. My eyes look over his form testing to see any other evidence.
  He's built with muscle, pink ribbon around his upper arm, pale, and the giant sword on his back should have been a dead give away honestly.
  "Your that AVALANCHE guy." I clap when it finally hits me. Everyone knows this guy. He fought Sephorith not once but twice, and he won each time. He's also one of the big reasons that corrupt company Shinra ended collapsing. He's a former SOILDER too, the guys basically a living legend.
   "Yeah one of a few." I nod and wave at him as I turn to go.
   "Well thanks for helping me with that guy. And thanks for the geostigma thing. Have a nice day." Cool, who would've thought I'd been lucky enough to run into a living legend. He's so chill too!
   I skip back off to work. Time to sit in my chair all day and type until my hands cramp.

    Time skip

   "Wow. You are a machine." My co-worker fawns over my shoulder.
   "Look at that! You got the rest of those deadlines filled out already!" I smile tiredly as I rub my very sore and cramping hands together. Hoping to ease the pain.
  "Yeah well can't save them for last minute. That's a screw up I can't really afford." My bills are way too high because of my trash land lord. He makes me pay triple the property price!
  "No kidding. Hey wanna go out for a drink. I've heard about this great bar. It's got good alcohol and it's clean." I consider it and resist passing out when I blink. Sleep deprivation is a serious thing man.
   "I guess, but I'm going to be mixing what ever I get with some coffee." She smiles at me and starts babbling on and on about things. I don't mean to be rude and not listen to her, but god my week of shit sleep, late nighters, and now coffee withdrawal is catching up to me. I swear it's like we fast traveled or something. Cause one second were at work, and the next were sat at the bar she was going on about. Suprisingly, this Seventh Heaven place is even better then she said it was.
   The woman at the bar is sweet. The alcohol taste way better then other places, which basically serve a homeless guys piss. No fights are breaking out. The atmosphere is warm and comforting, and like she said it's clean here.
   No rats or cockroaches running across urine and vomit covered floors. I smile into my drink. Simple beer, and I did actually buy a coffee on the way here. Which I happily mixed together. Though honestly I don't remember buying the coffee or the beer.
   "Have you seen this guy with dark oily hair walking around. All rough and hasn't shaved in years kinda guy. I've seen him outside my window. I've never even talked to the guy." I nearly choke on my drink. Taking time to let my throat settle with a coughing fit.
  "Wait you too? That's the guy who kept following me into the cafe across the street during lunch." Her eyes go wide and she starts spilling gossip from the other girls at work. Apparently this guy has been following around pretty much anything in a skirt unfortunate enough to walk down that street, but he really pays attention to our building. Other girls have seen him following them home, and taking pictures of them with a giant camera through windows.
   "It's creepy." I hum in agreement and can't help the chills that shoot up my spine. We jump when everything is cut off by a crash.
  The bartender leaves from behind the bar and walks over to the commotion. My co-worker tried to peek, but once she does I watch her go pale.
  "Oh my God it's him. That dude is here!" Jesus really? How long has he been behind us? I suddenly feel very panicked about the gaps in my memory. I watch as I see it is in fact the dude. He stumbles into a table before turning and trying to throw a punch.
   "Holy hell it's the AVALANCHE guy again." The blonde catches the fist without even blinking.
  "Wait you know this guy?"
  "Yeah the blonde litterily stopped that dude from grabbing me at lunch today." We could hear the sound of the guys arm twisting from here. The blonde forces both his arms behind his back holding him with one hand. The dude tries to throw his head back. Probably to hit the blonde in the jaw, but his other hand stops him by grabbing his mop. The blonde easily kicks his legs out from under him, and then drags the mess right out the front door with a straight face.
   My co-worker catches the bartender as she heads back to behind the bar.
  "What happened back there?" The nice brunette smiles at us.
  "Oh nothing much. Basically he was caught trying to roofie some girls over there." She nods her head and we see two girls whispering to each other. The people around them trying to visibly comfort them.
   "He got caught by Cloud though. As you can see that didn't end well for him." I tilt my head.
  "Oh, so the AVALANCHE guys name is Cloud." She looks at me and immidantly looks interested.
  "Oh you know Cloud?" I nod.
  "Kinda. That dude he just threw out has been following me from my work to a cafe I spend much at every day for week now. He got really aggressive today and tried to grab me, but I guess Cloud showed up and stopped the guy. Broke his wrist too." She crosses her arms and taps her chin for a few seconds. Then you see a light bulb go off in her head.
   "Oh Betty's Cafe! He told me about that. Said something about a cute girl getting harassed." I go red and sputter as I see a mischievous glint the her eye.
  "Tifa, can you stop harassing your customers, and get back behind the bar? I don't know how to mix cool aid. You don't want me trying to mix drinks." A familiar cool voice calls from behind her and we look. It's none other the AVALANCHE guy, sorry Cloud. That's going to take some getting used too.
   He looks at me and nods, "Trouble seems to follow you huh."
  I drop my head and scratch the back of my neck. Only able to get ot some nervous laughs.
  "Oh buddy. You don't know the half of it."

   Another Time Skip

   I stumble to my door and fumble around my pockets for my keys. Muttering some obsenecenties to myself. Finally I grab the darned brass item. Struggling to unlock my door. Until finally the lock clicks and I walk inside my shitty apartment. I close the door behind me and lock it.
   "Alright time to try sleeping again." I mumble to myself and stagger to my room. I take off my 'fancy' work shirt, and throw on an oversized t shirt. I go through my pockets. Dumping everything I find onto my bed side table. Pausing when I find something I did not except too.
   I pull out a slip of paper and debate opening it or not. Before deciding screw it let's check what going on.
   My eyes gloss over a string of numbers. Below the numbers in pencil is a little note.
  'To hang out at Betty's.' I blink and stare at the phrase. What the hell does that mean? Who am I hanging out with at my cafe? Is it my coworker, it would explain how the note got in my pocket, but knowing her she wouldn't write a note.
   The bartender lady? Nah, there's no reason she would. Unless...
   I consider the possibility of a team up to try and hook me up. Before dismissing it and put the paper on my table. I'll find out when I dial the number in the morning. For now. I'm way too drunk and tired to care about anyone's antics right now.

   Cloud's P.O.V.
  "Tifa. You can't just go around giving my number to random girls." I'm lying on my bed arm over face and other over my stomach.
  "Oh come on Cloud. You called her cute. That has to mean something when it comes to you." I groan and roll over I just want some sleep.
  "Don't be like that. You remembered her and felt like mentioning her. That's a lot coming from you, and don't tell me you picked that guy out of crowd just because of what he was trying to do. You had just walked in the door. You couldn't have seen what he was doing, and you and I both know it. Stopping him from drugging those girls was a happy accident." She lectures me in this sing song voice. I just sigh into my pillow and ignore her. All it earns me is a laugh at my expense.
   "Oh come on Cloud. If none of that works. How about the fact you drove her home? On Fenrir. You didn't offer her friend that." I push myself and look at the woman whose sat on her bed now.
   "She shouldn't have been drinking and you could see it too. Her friend is clearly a heavy drinker. She was absolutely sloshed and from the bags under her eyes, exhausted. You and I both know that's not a good combination." Tifa shrugs at me before leaning back on her hands.
   "Okay I'll give you that. She probably would have gotten killed with the state she was in." Finally Tifa relents and turns off the lights. Lying down I roll on to my back to sleep.
   'She would have been killed with out a doubt. Shes way too pleasant and naive as a drunk.I doubt she even remembers us trading numbers.' Like hell I'd ever tell Tifa that part. All she needs to know is that Y/n got home safely. Otherwise I'd never hear the end of it.

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