(Halloween One Shot) Zidane x Genome! Reader x Kuja

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Reader's P.O.V.

   "Y/n, Y/n!" One of my sibling's call out to me. Lifting my head I look at the trio. The four of us stuck together even after our kind were set free by Big Brother Kuja, Zidane, and his friends. Finding ourselves most comfortable in one another's company. The three seem excited. I look them over and hum. We've all changed since leaving and finding our own reason.

  The eldest is male but he's grown out his hair and pulled it back. Weaving and twisting the blonde locks until they made then chains that decorate his crown. He's found himself fond of bright and loose clothes. Though not so fond of the gems and adornments that tend to paired with them.

   The second is female she found herself wanting nothing more then to cut her hair short. She learned to shave designs of serpents and sunlight and waves across the side of her head. Though she left her blonde bangs long and they curl at the end.

  The third is the youngest, even more so than myself. She kept her blonde mane long and loose. She held her fondess for loose and freeing dresses. Yet she found herself obessing over hats and body art. Some of her hats are sleek and subtle while others are loud and garish. With big rims and feathers and plumes and veils. The one she dawns now is of the latter. Big rimmed and a bright pale yellow with a pink band around the base. Four large exotic feathers of orange and red sprouting from it. Her body art however is consistent. Gorgeous and well crafted being lovingly designed and inked. She collects stories and her new experiences and honors them by branding them on her skin. This one is the youngest in her making, but the oldest in her soul.

  Clinging to our kinds traditions of remberance. From a time for us all when such traditions were pointless as who we were would surely end up erased. This fate was as sure as the sun setting in the sky. Such a fate was cruel but the security of its certainty was a comforting thought to her and I.   Now however she embraced this new uncertainty while honoring the past, but I find myself unable to mimic her success.

  Unfourtainly, even a year of time has done nothing for me. As I've found myself unable to adapt and find a new balance. Creating a fissure in our group and straining our bonds. For I remain stagnant even as they flourish and change. Hearing them call for me with such has become a rare thing. I stare blinking owlishly out of shock. What has happened to lead to such an occurrence taking place?

  "Y/n, big brother Zidane has returned." The eldest, Nicola was the name he took, delcares the news happily and I nod.

  "He's estatic about an event apparently coming to take place in a weeks time!" The second continues, Gladios grins proud her name taken after a flower whose meaning made a connection with her.

  "He's invited us all to join in the fun. Tis apparently a holiday of another region that has caught his and lady Garnet's attebtion. They wish to have the whole country participate." The third, Lilya finshes sounding the way she did back then. Not losing her proper speak and almost emotionless tone. Yet the small smile on her face reveals her feelings on the matter. Once again I simply not to them. Taking in this information yet not throwing in any of my own. The three begin to balther voicing their thoughts and speculations. I absorb them all and still give nothing in return. Not for a lack of wanting however. I simply don't feel any thought of my own come to mind. Not one I would want to say at least. Eventually Gladios turns to me expectantly.

  "Do you plan to participate Y/n? It's what Big brother has asked for after all." More silence and more staring. They refer to Zidane, and they are not wrong, yet it takes a moment for it to click they do not mean Big Brother Kuja. For a moment I wondered why a dead man was asking something of me. Giving a soundless nod I confirm my intentions to join in. Making smiles break out on all their faces.

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