Genesis x Disabled! Reader (AGAIN! not a continuation)

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Fluff and then a lemon! So lemon warning. It's pretty obvious when the lemon is going to start, but I'll give a warning any way!

Reader's P.O.V.

   I shift in bed and groan disturbed by something. I'm still too deeply asleep to tell, but it's a light feeling growing me away from my empty dreams. Finally when I become aware enough. I don't open my eyes instead focus on the feeling. I can tell what that light pressure is now.
   Genesis is lying beside me and the feeling is him tracing my side with his finger tips again. He likes to play with my skin like this if my shirt hitches up when I'm asleep. I've learned to make sleep well enough he doesn't know I'm awake. Instead faking it until Genesis becomes content and has had all this fun.
   For what ever reason he thinks it's fun to watch the hairs on me rise. His other hand starts playing on my stomach. Which is much more sensitive then my side, and debate faking waking up because it tickles. Though that train of thought immidantly stops. When Genesis moves and I feel heat bloom over my stomach. Before what could only be his lips press against me. He nuzzles my stomach and I feel chills from something cold and wet. I choose now to stretch my back and let it pop. Genesis is quick to move back into his original place. Stopping his playing instead just lying his hand on my side. The other I find underneath his head when I open my eyes.
   Which when I meet two mako eyes I find his are outlined in red, and I can just barely see shining tear trails down his face.
   "Gen." I whisper and he hums sliding his hand up and down my side. Trying to play off the red in his eyes by closing them. I reach up and cup his cheeks.
   "Gen have you been crying?" He goes stiff. His hand freezing before resuming his previous action.
   "Of course not my goddess." His goddess, he only says that when he's really trying to over please me for one reason or another.
   "Gen, I'm half asleep, but your eyes are red and I can see tear stains on your cheeks." He hisses before opening his eyes. Revealing a lot of pain similar to when he is thinking about the past.
   "I'm just thinking darling." He tries to ensure but I shake my head.
  "When your thinking, you never think about anything good." His eyes get softer if they could. Somehow revealing even more emotion. His other hand is on my stomach again.
   "Just silly thoughts." I take a hand off his face to grasp his hand on my stomach.
   "Do those silly thoughts explain why you keep being so affectionate towards my stomach today?" He winces and his hand clenches which just causes him to squeeze my hand. He exhales deeply before looking at me with so many emotions written on his face. I'd need eterinty to sort through them all.
   "Yes, just silly thoughts about simple desires." His face is covered in pain and longing. He looks so crest fallen and I believe I understand why.
   "Genesis. We can still try." He shakes his head sadly.
   "Your bodies too fragile to survive, and I'm-" he takes a sharp breath, "I'm like every other SOLDIER corrupted wih mako and sterile."
  The pain his voice is unmistakable. Genesis admitted he never wanted kids before everything happened. He always considering them akin to demons, but now after all is said and done. It seems he's finally caught the baby fever.
   "That's not your fault Genesis. This isn't one sided." His gaze hardens with a sort of sad rage.
   "Yes it is." He states it firmly. Shocking compared to the miserable whispers he's made since waking up. He leans down and steals a kiss from me.
   "It is because I'm sterile and your not." He leans forward and kisses me in anger again.
   "It is because even if I wasn't it could still hurt you." Another angry kiss to which I respond. He has an arm behind me, and a hand grasping the back of my head. Forcing me to meet every kiss even if I didn't want too.
   "It is because if by the goddess's blessing it did happen. If it killed you." Another kiss.
  "If it spread the infection I carry." Another desperate kiss.
  "I'd hate them. I hate myself because I know I'd hate the child for it all even if your apart of it." His voice is broken as he confesses his thoughts. Lying his heart bare to show me what's been tearing him up for quite some time. There's nothing I can do, and I despise how helpless I am to do anything about it.

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