Vincent X CrossDresser! Male! SOLIDER! Reader PT. 1

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Reader's P.O.V.

    I huff and shift on my bunk arms crossed over my chest as I roll on my side. I try and sleep despite the excited chatter through out the barracks. The loud barking obnoxious laughs, and the annoying drunk slurs. I jump when a loud slap is giving to the back of my head. I look over my shoulder and give an icy glare to the culprit. The clearly drunk third class, if he wasn't he wouldn't be talking to me, is grinning like a utter moron.
    "Come on Black coat, even your grim ass has to be excited for your first Shrina ball!" He shouts loudly ignoring how little space there is between us, and how enhanced hearing is sensitive enough that it actually hurts.
   "No. I'm not going." I lay my head back down thankful for the silence.
  'You son of a whore.' I mentally lash out at the man when he slaps my head, again.
  "Bull shit! Every third is going to ball as it's the first rank where you even can attend all the higher ups fancy events. You can't skip out on that! There's free drinks, FREE FOOD!" The man throws out his arms to emphasize the last part.
   "Too bad. It's past 8 pm. If I don't have any work doing that time. I sleep." I ground out.
   "But all the free stuff, and the fun!" He whines like a small child. Reminding me of a spoiled brat who is being told he can't have the toy he wants.
   "Too. Bad. I like sleeping. Sleeping is fun as far as I am concerned." When I feel another slap in coming I snarl and spin. Grabbing his wrist, and tugging him up violently. Until I'm holder the taller man a foot off the ground. Making him eye level with me as I sit on my top bunk.
   "Keep me from sleeping or slap me again. I'll break you so bad, your sorry ass gets kicked out of SOLIDER for being invalid." I snap before releasing the man's wrist and letting the shocked third fall on his ass. Lying down I roll on my side again. Back to the rest of the barracks and the hoard of eyes that had watched that whole affair. I close my eyes finally thankful for the silence.
   It seems threatening to peramantly disable anyone who keeps me up any longer. Managed to shut up the rest of the barracks. I should lose my temper more often then.
   A whole minute passes as my breathing evens out. My mind growing hazy and clouded as it's tempted to rest. Let the child within craft the wildest stories for my tired mind, and experience everything within the unknown.
   Beep, Beep, Beep. I slowly open my eyes and glare at the wall.
   Beep, Beep, Beep. The sound of my PHS going off in my duffle bag under the bunks keeps going.
   Beep, Beep, Beep.
   "Um. Y/n your PHS..." The same third from before mumbles. His voice a clear indicater he is nervous to speak.
   Beep, Beep, Beep.
  "I know." Silence.
  "Are you gonna-"
  "No." I cut him off. I make no sign of moving.
   Beep, Beep, Beep.
  "Would you like me to-"
  "Yes." I hear shuffling and the sound of a zipper. The beeping of my PHS is clear now. Until it cuts off after a long beep. Having been hung up I listen to him return it to it's place.
   "Thank you." I mumble closing my eyes.
   "No problem, why is Reno calling you anyways?"

    "YOU HUNG UP ON ME YO!" I swear I feel my own jaw shatter. From the pressure I grind it with at my annoyance at the red rat. The third from last night jumps and I see him peek at me from his post. Maybe I did shatter my jaw from his reaction, but through the pain in my forehead and my annoyance I can't feel it, yet.
   Said red rat bounds up to me at my post. Ret rats tail swinging wildly behind him.
   The bouncy turk pauses once he's stood in front of me with a pout.
  "That's not cool." He whines. Whining, always whining, why is it I'm surrounded by children?
  "I'm on guard shift Reno, go away." I order him off though I know it won't do any good.
  "Hey! That's no way to treat your only friend buddy!" He crosses arms.
   'Your not my only friend.' I mentally retort his words. I do have other friends, it's not simply denial.
   I spend time with Tseng alot. Usually hanging out with him in his office. Drinking green tea together and playing chess. He always wins, but it's nice to try.
  There's my online friends from my mobile game, Kings Knight. I spend sleepless nights and trips on missions chatting then up. Taking down raids bosses, and discussing strategy. Apparently their on this road trip thing. All four of then play Kings Knight, but two of them are basically addicts while the other two are off and on.
    "Anyways! Who are you going to the ball with?" I stare blankly at him as he grins at me.
   "I'm not going." His jaw drops and he makes a very undignified sound for an elite turk.
   "Come on! You gotta!"
   "No I don't." I state with slightly raised brows.
   "Um, Yeah you do!"
   "No, no I really don't."
   "You need too!"
   "No, I need sleep." Before Reno can badger me further. My back pocket beeps. Followed by loud steps and laughs.
   I check the time on my wrist watch. I look over at the silent seemingly anxiety ridden solider.
  "Our shift is over." I state bluntly and turn away letting the new two thirds take my place. I take out my PHS and check the ID flashing on the screen. I recgonize the number as one that rarely calls me.
    I answer it and raise it to my ear with a hammering heart.
   "I wasn't expecting a call from you." I keep walking and ignore Reno following behind me. Trying to obviously listen in on the conversation. The other solider thankfully left a different way, and the two new thirds aren't interested in the slightest. I still speed my walk to avoid them overhearing the call.
   "I know." I bite my bottom lip. Ignoring the feeling of liquid fire that fills my veins. Pumping through me and down into my gut. His voice does so much to me and I can never tell him.
   "So what's your reason for calling?" I inquire him. Probing him to just hear his voice again.
  "I just wanted to hear a voice that isn't Rufus." Curiosity and secretly, jelousy, bubble inside me.
   "Why are you hearing his voice so much it made you desperate enough to come to me for help?" I tease him and dodge through the streets. Glancing back to see Reno still trying to listen in on me, but he's too far behind for his unenhanced ears.
   "He keeps trying to coax me to come to a party of his. A ball of some kind." My mouth dries.
  "A the Shinra ball. Your being hounded too then huh."
  "Whose the dog at your heels?" His monotone deep voice takes on a soft barely teasing tone.
  "Reno and literally every other third. Thirds are the lowest rank allowed to the balls. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for skipping out on free alcohol, and free food." I hear him release a deep and too me very arousing hum. It's like a deep roar of an avalanche. It's a stupid comparison I know, but that's what it reminds me of.
   "Just want to sleep huh." I hum back and feel like his voice is turning me into jelly.
  "Yeah. Besides I-I don't like going out like that." Silence greets me on the other end. I walk for a bit holding the phone to my ear. Waiting for something from him anything.
  "Y/n." I hum.
  "Do you want to go?" I huff and roll my shoulders.
  "I already told you-"
  "No, I mean do you want to go." I freeze and my eyes go wide. I feel my cheeks redden.
  "Oh. I-I'm not good at going to balls or fancy parties. I don't have anything, for me." I mumble the last part.
  "Do you want me to come and take you out? For something, for you." His voice is calm as he ask me out.
  "I don't want you to have to pay." I whisper to him in embarrassment.
  "I want too." He states it as a fact.
  "If your free. The ball is tomorrow so." I trail off and eyes slide to the side. As if unable to look him in the eyes even though he's not here, yet.
  "I'll be there at Ten. Store plaza."
  "Okay. Until ten." I hear him hum again before hanging up. I shake and release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I rush my PHS away and turn to go the store plaza.
  "What's at ten?" I jump when I get nose to nose with Reno. He smirks when I jump back. How had he gotten so close? Though based on his question he didn't hear who was on phone.
  "Nothing important to you." He groans and follows me as I walk off.
  "Aw, come on Y/n! You can't leave me hanging! I'm too invested now. With how you froze like you just got paralyzed in the middle of the street, and the fact your as red as my hair right now. I need to know!"
   I ignore him and mentally pray to the goddess to rid me of Reno. So I can spend time with the man who secretly owns my heart.
   Beep, Beep, Beep. Reno makes more strange sounds as he pulls out his own phone.
  "Oh you have got to be kidding me! Now!?" He answers the call and raises it to his ear. Still walking just beside me.
  "Reno. Your needed in my office immidantly." I hear Tseng's commanding voice come through the phone.
   "Oh come on Tseng. Can t wait just a minute maybe two. I've got something real juicy and want to-"
   "It cannot wait this is an order Reno. If you delay I'll give you a mission that keeps you away from the ball and the beach vacation." Reno gasp and stops his tracks.
   "You wouldn't!" He shouts in despair at the other man.
   "My office, now." The phone clicks off and without even a goodbye Reno bolts away. I wonder what Tseng would need Reno for so urgently. I contuine my walk checking the time. By the time I get to the plaza. The clock will have just about struck ten. I get giddy inside at the thought of seeing the other man again.
    Once I get to the plaza it isn't long before I spot the crimson cloaked man. I smile and wave him over and he strides over.
   Then we're off into the stores. Firstly I go to an underwear store, but go past the men's row. Into the back where the woman's lingerie is proudly kept and sorted. Vincent is silent behind me as I look over all the options.
  Checking the prices not intending to break his bank.
  "This." I hear his deep voice and turn and see in his gauntleted hand is a bra and underwear pair.
   The bra is f/c and so are the panties. They are laced with rose degsins, and each have a crimson silk ribbon on them. The bra in the center and the panties have the bow on the side. I flush at it especially when I see the panties have a back.
   The back is like string the normal lines of the front criss crossing it, and the only sold strip is the ribbon that is the hem of the underwear. I take them burning.
  "I can try them, but I don't know if the panties will stay." Vincent nods in acknowledgment as we head to the dressing rooms. He sits and I go inside. Stripping back with the door locked tight.
   I slip on the lingerie. Learning the bow is adjustable albeit not by very much. Vincent having shopped with me before apparently remembered the size of bra I like. It makes me blush even harder as I admire the garmets on me in the full body mirror. Suprisingly, despite seeming made to stay on a large round behind. The panties stay up and I walk around the small dressing room a bit. Making sure that doesn't change with movement.
    Once I'm sure it's good I take them off and put my uniform back on. Exiting I see Vincent waiting patiently for me. He just silently tilts his head in question.
   I nod and smile and he stands. We head to the counter and he pays. I watch him hand over eighty gill, and then another sixty. I glare at him as he avoids my accusing gaze.
   I should have expected anything he suggested was probably really expensive. We get it in a discreet bag. Before heading out go to more stores. Window shopping until I see a store filled with gorgeous clothes. Vincent sees and slips through the front door. Only waiting for me as he holds it open.
   I enter the store and admire the massive selection. Going through I pause and go wide eyed.
   "Oh I didn't think about what to actually wear for the ball." I mumble to myself.
   "If there's dancing. Nothing too restrictive." Vincent gives me the advice which I had told him about, but I understand he meant it more as an idea to help me decide what I want.
   "You can just see what you like as you go. They have litteral run away over there." He gestures to the back. Just like he said the dressing rooms have an actual run way.
  "You can try on what ever you want. We have time." I softly jump in place out of sheer excitement. Vincent's words having encouraged me forward. I look through all manner of dresses, tops, skirts, and everything in between. Picking and choosing what I please. This store was packed even filled with accessories of all kinds.
   I head to the room and try on lots of things. Mismatching some just to see if I like it. Until I find a match that has me shaking.
   The entire wall is a mirror in here and the room is significantly bigger. I admire myself in the giant mirror.
   I found a pretty black top that has a tie around neck piece. The neck goes up hiding my Adams apple. A diamand shaped cut out in the chest that I know wouldn't reveal any of my 'breast'. The dip is on far enough that maybe you would see a peek of red silk, and the sides aren't wide enough to show off anything. The top of the diamond stops just past my collar. My collar boned actually being where they are visible through the top. Stopping just at the diamond's edge.
   The middle is designed like a corset. With black fake string that doesn't really do anything. It grips my body tightly, but I'm feminine enough that it doesn't degrade my appearance. The side are decorated with silver lace patterns. The bottom is strange. I believe it would be meant to show off my hips. Because it ends we're a long shirt would in the middle, but it is like semi circles. The fit is enough that the v of my stomach is litterily under the edge of the top.
   The front of the top is meant to be tucked probably in pants. But this mismatch paired it with a skirt. It's a low hem black skirt that hat a flat elastic strip around the top. Going down before having silk frilms all around and too the bottom. Stopping a fair bit above my knee yet below kid thigh. It is loose enough I can move and it doesn't show anything that would pin point me as a man. Even if it was tight the frills make it just bulky enough to hide that. I pulled it just under my hips still able to tuck the top.
    I matched it with an x belt that follows the line of the top where my skin would be revealed. Almost outlining it and the bottom of the x. Outlines just under the point of my admittingly feminine hips. Not sharp enough to be a man's. Not so round it's clearly a woman.
   Androgynous. Still the center metal clip on the x belt is a silver rose. My shoes are black heeled boots that stop just below my knees. A zipper up the entire middle though near the bottom in the curve of my foot. Another rose motif is designed with flared out flaps around that part of the boot. Along with a line of bright white pearl strings that fall from the roses and wrap around.
   Added on to all of that I have acesesories. Nice feeling comfortable yet feminine black gloves. A chocker around my hidden Adams apple that's designed to look silver vines. An earring I saw on display that is a Ruby shaped like a side profile of a wolf's head. Outlined in silver metal.
   Peeking up from my boots and disappearing under my skirt. Is clearly something rather naughty. A garter add on to lingerie that comes with the stockings I'm wearing that also just peek out. I suck in a deep breath before exiting the dressing room. Strutting down the run way.
    Vincent's eyes open and he watches me. Observing and hopefully enjoying what he sees.
   "Did you take a nap while I was playing dress up?" I tease him and do a little spin. It's easy to move after learning to walk in heels from a young age. From my own wish and the support of my two mothers. Who I've never seen without heels.
   "No, just thinking. You look good Y/n." His praise makes me want to jump. My skin still tries to despite my own restraint. Rising off me in euphoria filled goose bumps.
   "I wanted to find something I could dance in, and you know." Not let anyone in SOLIDER know I'm a cross dresser. Even more then that if they knew I sometimes preferred to be a woman I'd be a laughing stalk.
   "Before the ball you'll have all the time to preen you want. No one will be the wiser." I can't help but do a little jump of joy at that. Knowing it's an indirect invitation to his apartment in Midgar. Which he keeps only so he can visit me and deal with the Turks. I admittingly so thankful all of the stuff I 'preen' with is at his apartment. Because I live the barracks it wouldn't be easy to hide makeup, a hair dryer, curlers, and every other beauty tool I own.
    He states up and leads me out dropping who knows how much gill on the way. So much the clerk didn't complain about me keeping the clothes on. Vincent's arm is suddenly around my waist. His cape partially over my shoulders. I grip my hands in his side. Resting my head on his shoulder. Pretending the hammering in my heart comes from the threat that even dressed up. Someone will recgonize me as Vincent walks me to his apartment. The bag from the lingerie shop containing my uniform.
    "Can I stay in the guest room at your apartment tonight?"
   "Of course." He gives his permission without hesitation.
   "Thank you."

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