Vincent Valentine X Orphan! Reader

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Quick heads up. If you have y Kingdom hearts one shots then you know what I'm about to say means.
Vincent is my Xigbar of Final Fantasy.
Ok! Moving on to the story!

Vincent's P.O.V.

The children cheer as they run around the old church. Some still swimming in the water happily. The adults, mostly former members of AVALANCHE and the parents of the children, laughing, thanking, and complimenting each other on their fighting against Bahamut Sin. I stay in the back trying to keep from drawing any attention. Quite tired from the fight on top of many sleepless nights.
My eyes slide shut as I simply listen to the joy around me. Until slowly the children leave with their families.
"Woah! AVALANCHE saved the day again!" Yuffie jumps and cheers. The rest laugh at her cheer.
"Vincent get your ass over here! Stop brooding in the corner." The heavy voice of Barret roars out. I sigh through my nose and open my eyes. I move from my place on the wall. Walking over and sitting on one of the unbroken benches.
"We should go for a drink!" Cid cheers and allot of the members cheer and others disagree. Leading to playful arguments around me. After which AVALANCHE members say their goodbyes and part. Despite Yuffie's and Cid's best attempts to force everyone to stay. I nod a goodbye to Cloud after we trade numbers.
"I'll text you that verdict to read when your more awake." I nod and leave as he stays back with Tifa, Denzel, and Marlene. I walk slowly back to the forgotten city. Passing the ruins around me in silence. The difference is pleasent if not a little jarring. Though I eventually settle to my usual companion's looming presence.
'We are not alone Host.' I pause at Chaos's warning and listen to my surroundings. My eyes darting wildly to spot the other presence. My eyes narrow and pin the location of the other person. A small child is peeking at me through the shadows. Hidden in the rubble hiding on all fours.
Two prominent e/c eyes are watching me unblinking. My eyes have to adjust to see the child's features hidden in the shadows. My suspicion rises when the lines of the child seem to distort unnaturally in the darkness. Hiding their true appearance except for their eyes.
I slowly walk away but keenly listen out to see if the child follows. They do seemingly vanishing from their hiding spot to another. This goes on until I reach the edge of the ruins. I look again and the child has followed me all the way here, but seems almost afraid to go further.
'It fears where it cannot hide.' Chaos's obeservation proves true when the child tries to move away from the edge of the ruins. Without losing sight of me which causes it to happily fit itself in a space no monster could reach.
Outside of Cloud and monsters no one lives in these ruins. So the child being here is strange. It isn't until I turn intending to leave this anomaly be. That it moves again and this time into an unmissable position.
The child is staring up at me from the shadows of my cloak. Which it had somehow gotten under when I moved. The shadows still manage to distort their body, but now I can tell some other features.
Their hair is unmistakably h/c. It could easily be the shadows, but it would seem their skin is also dark. Two hands are gripping my pants.
Silence. I grab the back of their shirt and try to pull them away, but their grip is like steel. Akin to someone whose holding on for their life.
'The child easily could be doing just that Host.' I sigh at the e/c eyed child still staring unblinkingly at me.
"You don't intend to leave do you?" They just stare in silence unlike any child I know of. Though it's slow I simply contuine walking with the child following. Doing everything in their power to hide under my cloak. More bothered by the open dust plains then my gauntlet holding the back of their shirt.

Time Skip 4 Hours

I slide to the floor back against one of the glowing white trees. Sighing through my nose from exhaustion. I close my eyes only to open them half way. To look in my lap and see the child has lain down. Choosing to put their back to the world, cross their arms, and sleep.
My cloak is still hiding them for the most part. But now they aren't awake whatever distorting effect was on them seems to no longer take place. Revealing they are indeed a normal small child, but the child's skin is s/c not what I had originally guessed.
Their h/c hair is dirty and molted, but groomed back to hug close to their head. Their completely caked in dirt as well. I run a hand through the child's hair. Watching as dust, mud, and oil collect on my hand from the strands.
Now, what to do with them?
'What do you mean Host? We're keeping them.' Chaos butts in on my thoughts.
No, we are not stealing a child that is not ours.
'It is not stealing if the child doesn't belong to anyone to begin with.' His counter is childish and a weak one at that.
You don't know that they don't belong to anyone. They could simply be a lost child.
'Your arugument is as weak as mine Host. If this child was simply lost why was no one looking for it? Why does it seem to be animalistic and habitual in it's behavior if it was simply lost. These things devolp in humans over long periods of time.' I watch the child sleep comfortably in my lap. Breathing steadily seeming far more at ease then when they were awake.
'You have no answer for that do you?' No, I don't at least not any pleasent one.
'This one isn't as loud or disobediencent as other children. You are already quite fond of the small demons to begin with. This one is similar with none of the others draw backs.' I almost chuckle at the actual demon referring to the small near harmless children as demons in comparison to himself.
The child shifts in my lap and I watch as it's hand clench it's upper arms tightly. It ends up nearly rolling further into me.
'You've already grown attached to it.' I don't like it when your right. I don't like it when you speak much at all either. My eyes slide shut as I relax.
Not planning to sleep and leave us defenseless. Should the monsters in the forest choose to show up. I simply rest my eyes to allow some form of rest. Time passes at a snail's pace. Until I open my eyes at shifting in my lap once again, but this time the child doesn't stay asleep. Instead rising and pulling into my side. Where they are much more hidden by my cloak, and one again that distortion effect is active. Simply confirming my theory that the ability is actively mantained by the child.
It silently stares up at me with unblinking eyes.
"Do you have a name?" I keep my voice low so not to startle the animal like child. It stares at me in silence blinking in rapid succession. Before seemingly tilting it's head in confusion.
'Perhaps the whelp is unable to understand you.' That is the most likely scenario here. Meaning it probably can't read what I have to say either. Even if I had something to wright with.
"I suppose I'll have to wait for your name then." The child just blinks at me again. I can't just keep refering to them as the child and it.
'I don't see what's stopping you Host.' The fact that calling a child It is admittingly tasteless and cruel in it's own way. Any name would be better then none at all. I watch the child continue to stare and distort.
"Y/n." The child blinks before tilting their head again. I hum and look away; Y/n will do as a name for now. At least they respond to it. That being the only requirement in reality. I stand and they follow suite. Remaining hidden in the shadows of my cloak as I walk in a random direction.
Might as well see what happens with the new company. Anything is better then my own thoughts and demons I suppose.
'I'm plenty company.' Yes, yes you are I'd even dare to say your too much company. I hear a growl in my head and noise from my side. I look down at the child who shows no signs of being the source of the sound, but considering what I heard.
She seems to agree you are indeed to much company.

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