Dissidia! Kain Highwind x Goddess! Warrior of Chaos! Reader

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Reader's P.O.V.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GOING TO FIGHT!? IS HE INSANE? DOES SURIVAL MEAN NOTHING TO HIM?!" I lash out at Golbez despite the knight, admittingly, doing nothing wrong. No it is the infurating dragoon that is the source of my anger, Kain Highwind, that infernal honor bound fool.
Golbez simply stands by allowing me to vent my frustrations on him.
"He's as bad as the infernal warrior goddess!!" I end up spewing curses in my native tongue rapidly. Only to spin on a seemingly confused Golbez.
"WHAT?!" I snap at him finding his confusion irritating.
"To what goddess do you refer? Cosmos is most certainly not a warrior." His geuine confusion and curiosity is both endearing and utterly annoying. Akin to a small child over hearing adult conversations, and then with their crack dream like minds try to proceed what they've heard.
"Oh of course. The goddess to whom I refer is - NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I change from sickly sweet to enraged as I get in the knight's face. I spin and huff in annoyance.
Damn this cycle, Damn this dragon, Damn the goddess, Damn Caius's intrest in these events, Damn Yeul for backing him up, Damn chaos for bossing me around like he's older then me, Damn Cosmos for acting like a mother to me, and most importantly of all. Damn Kain Highwind and everything he stands for!
I throw my hand out before summoning a large portal.
"Where are you going Y/n?" The knight moves as I slap his hand away. To hell with this eternal war between my subordinates. I am the Elder sibling of Bhunivelze, and will not allow this to stand damn it. I storm through portal summoning my sword. Breaking into a dash I am greeted by an army of enemies. I scan my eyes over the endless swarms of manikins. Spotting the Warriors of Cosmos fighting for their lives.
The infernal warrior goddess fights with Kain, Vaan, Yuna, Laguna, and Tifa. They won't survive this alone.
"I will not allow this!" My over emotional state charges a violent memory. A battle between myself and another. My emotionless infant brother. I snort and charge chaos into my blade. Before striking the ground causing the earth below to erupt in a violent blast. The shock wave clearing out a large amount of the Manikins. I warp to the group causing quite a scare. I charge my blade with chaos again.
"Hold up now! Who are you!?" I snarl at the annoying pretty boy.
"None of your damned BUSINESS!" I spin slashing a blade of chaos through the air. Ripping more of the oncoming hoard in half. I spin violently again, and storm forward grabbing the dragoon by his throat.
"YOU! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!? I HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO FIGHT YOU YET, BECAUSE YOU KEPT RUNNING OFF BECAUSE YOU HAD SOMETHING BETTER TO DO!! NOW YOU GO ON A DAMNED SUICIDE MISSION!! YOU ARE JUST TRYING TO CHEAT ME OUT OF A FIGHT WITH YOU!!! YOU INFERNAL UNBEARABLY ONE DIMENSIONAL BLONDE HAIRED BASTA- WILL YOU FUCK OFF!!" I throw a hand behind myself and send another violent blast of chaos. Tearing through more of Manikins like wet paper. By Mother Mwynn they're like mindless zombies shambling towards their victims.
"AND YOU!" I spin on the warrior woman to my right.
"THE ONLY REASON I GOT THROWN IN THIS MESS IS BECAUSE OF YOU!!" I get in the pink haired woman's face. Before spinning throwing y blade and instead charging the chaos into my hands. I can feel the heart pulse in my chest violently at my demands. Each beat charging the chaos blast I'm forming in my palms.
"Caius when I get back your in for the worst time of your immortal life!" I hiss under my breath. Before forcing the two spheres in my hands together. They merge and rapidly expand. I throwing my palms forward focusing the blast into the heart of the swarm.
Sure enough when it explodes the blast of destructive chaos energy devours everything before it. Including myself as I watch my now black veins pulse and my kin tear away from my hands. Writing darkness being left in it's place as I'm seared by my own power. The burning contuines up my arms. The chaos blast having collapsed on itself forming a vicious vortex.
'I'm a literal God, Damn it! If Caius can change the path of Fate as an empowered human. So can I!' My determination to destory as much of the hoard as possible allows me to bear the pain. Of my own power eating me alive all to buy the children a chance.
'The children. I really am sounding more like mother everyday.' I bite back a groan o pain as my arms have been completely consumed. My torso is following and even my hands with no flesh to lose. Have my muscle burn and tear violently. Ironically the pain lessens after a violent spike because the chaos destories my nerves. Preventing me from being able to feel the pain.
"Y/n stop! Your going to tear yourself apart!" I look at the pink haired woman.
"Oh shut up Lightning. The chaos can hurt like hell and burn this body to nothing, but I am just as unkillable as my brother. If you even remember what you did to him!" I end up laughing through the pain at the thought. Remembering how the woman with her friends managed to beat my brother into a coma.
"Infernal children all of you." I state as I glare at them.
"Lady we don't even know you!" I scuff.
"Lightning is right. Your going to tear yourself apart. You need to stop. We have accepted our fates." I pin my glare on Kain specifically.
"Shut up. You sound too much like Caius for my liking. The last time I accepted a man with that voice who speaks in single words and short phrases. Resigning themselves to their fate. Armagedden happened and killed the entire human race." I growl in annoyance as a burst of light lashes out farther away. My human body gives out as the attack consumes itself, and I collapse to the ground.
"Damn human bodies. Their all so fragile." I groan as I can't move from my nerves both in my legs, arms, and through my torso being eaten by the chaos energy. My eyes look up and though the Rift has closed. There are still a fair amount of manikins.
"You bastards better not die now." I focus the last drops of power I have and push the positive energy out. Causing a burst of emerald light from myself. Washing over the remaining warriors and healing them to full strength.
"Y/n. Damn it. You can't die after doing that." I hear Lightning's voice draw close. I feel pressure on my back. My eyes having rolled to the back of my head. I feel the dark energy escape from me.
Once the mark of chaos leaves me. I feel this body distort turning to crystal.
"Light more are coming." I feel the pressure on my back leave. I vaugely hear them run off to fight the remaining Manikins off. Its like I'm drowning in water everything is muted.
"I apologise for putting you off. I will pay you back the fight I owe you. I promise you that." I let out a weak laugh at what I barely recgonize as Kain.
"You better you damned dragoon." I feel a soft pressure on my cheek as I fade completely.

Kain's P.O.V.

"So you two know who that girl was?" Vaan ask. Now that I've rejoined the fight. I see that now we seem to stand a solid chance against the Manikins. Thanks to Y/n holding them at bay until the Rift closes, and healing us to add to our chances.
"I only have few memories of her. She is from my world. Though I don't know how Kain knows her." We fight through the remaining Manikins. Despite our better chances we still fight for our lives.
"She is a warrior of chaos. Though she does not obey them by any means."
"But how do you know her? And why did she seem so angry at you?" I consider my answer as I fight off Manikins.
"I owe her a date." I hear the most absurd sounds from around me. The end of my mouth lift slightly at their reactions.
"YOU GOING ON A DATE!" Yes, though a date with her will be unlike any other I'm sure. I suppose I'll just have to wait for that experience.

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