Adult! Hope x Younger! Reader

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Hope's P.O.V.

      I sigh looking over all the blueprints, data logs, and research papers scattered across the large table. I've been working none stop trying to learn about this time manipulation to help everyone. I lean on my elbows and run my hands through my sweat slicked hair. The stress has building up lately; so much research and many efforts yet no results. Lost in my head I'm only pulled back to reality by the soft padding sound which could only be bare feet on marble. Only one person I know would be able to reach the center of the research facility, and walks around on cold marble barefoot. Looking over my shoulder I sigh after seeing a messy bun of h/c hair walk toward me.
   "Afternoon Y/n." She walks over with wide eyes and concern written all over her face.
   "Its nine p.m. hope," my eyes widen slightly I hadn't thought I'd been working that long, "You left early this morning at two a.m."
   I shake my head wondering where the time had gone. I smile down at y/n hoping to reassure the younger and overly protective girl. She sighs and like always her emotions are written across her entire form, and right now that emotion is sadness. I place a hand on her shoulders to draw her eyes away from the floor and to me instead. "Hey I'm alright, I promise."
    "Your a terrible liar hope." It kinda stunned me to hear that from y/n as she's never spoken that way to me or anyone. The depression undertone helped to emphasise her dead pan over coat. It made me feel guilty to see the normally sweet and care free girl was making herself depressed by worrying for me. My smile falters and I scratch the back of my head completely mifed on what to do.
     "Hey I'm going okay, come on." I lead her with a hand on her back while I walk. We leave the facility and head to our shared home. Entering I try to cheer her up about to offer her f/d, her favorite drink. Except she just slowly drags her feet silently to her bedroom. Sighing I sit on the couch and run my hand through my hair. I have no idea on what to do, but then a light flicks on in my head. Grabbing my phone I head to my bedroom dialing a familiar number. It rings a few times before I hear someone say hello.
    "Hello Snow." I hear a deep laugh from the other end.
    "Hope, long time no hear buddy. What's up?" I sigh and sit on my bed.
    "I've been working overtime a lot lately." Snow hums
    "Yeah I can get that, but why do you want to tell me that?" I smile at his concerned confusion.
    "Y/n isn't taking it well, she's plain depressed, and I think its my fault. I tried to reassure her and cheer her up, but she didn't even react. I have no clue on what to do, so now I'm calling you." I wait a few seconds as Snow processes the information.
    "Yeah man, I can understand. You love your work and all and I know its super important to you, but don't you think your neglecting y/n?" I jump about to deny the claim but Snow cuts me off.
     "Hope, I know you think she's just stressing over you, but even that's not gonna make her depressed man. Think how long has it been since you've just spent time with her? Taken her out, bought a gift, or hell just sit down and have a conversation." I have my mouth open to answer, but my mind comes up blank. I have no idea when the last time I spent personal time with her was.
      "See, Hope I know you love your work and can even be called a workaholic. That doesn't mean you can just forget about y/n she loves you man, but if you keep neglecting her then even her love for you won't be enough to get her to stay. Especially, since this isn't the first time and you know it." I take Snow's lecturing silently just absorbing the information. The more he speaks the more I frown and a heavy weight forms in my chest.
      "Snow, I see the full situation now, thanks. I gotta go now."
      "No problem buddy, and tell y/n serah and I said hi." I promise and hang up. How do I make it up to y/n I'm not as romantic or confident as Snow when it comes to stuff like this. Again I stressfully run my hands through my hair. Sat in the dark of my room just thinking, the cogs in my brain working more then they did even at work. I look back at my phone and then I had an idea.

    Y/n's P.O.V.

     I wake up and sigh looking at the time, its seven a.m.
     Bolting up and out of bed I panic worrying I've missed the little morning time I get to spend with Hope before he leaves. I hastily get dressed and almost run out of my room before I hit something. I start falling backwards before I feel arms catch me, and pull me back up holding me until I'm stable. Finally, I look up to see who I had run into and who had caught me.  
    I freeze seeing Hope's smiling face, he hasn't left yet?
    Confused I just stare at him and he starts laughing.
    "Hey don't laugh at me!" I cross my arms and pout as he laughs more.
    "Sorry, Y/n its just you looked like a puppy confused." I feel blood rush to my cheeks as I feel bubbles at his words and his laugh. I smile and start laughing too despite myself; its been so long since I've heard that laugh. This goes for a minute or two before we calm down. Standing straight again I look to see something else that's strange. Hope isn't wearing his usual attire; he has a long sleeved white shirt yes, but he has nothing over it. He also is wearing plain pants with boots. No pockets or belts, no weapons or devices, nothing.
      "Hope, Why are you dressed like this?" Is there an event coming up or something. He smiles and just takes my hand before leading me out of our home and walks in a different direction then the facility.
      "Hope? Where are we going?" He just puts a finger to his lips. He leads me far away from the city out into the wilds. Eventually we walk until we reach a giant meadow and I gasp.
      "Hey y/n miss us?" Standing there around a giant picnic was Snow. His wife Serah, Noel, Yeul, the members of N.O.R.A., and Fang stood with Vanhille.
      "What? How?" The rush of emotions I feel make me stutter for words. Excitement, confusion, joy, and everything in between.
      "Oh come on no hello?" Snow plays around smiling brightly as everyone laughs.
      "Leave her alone, she's shocked." The familiar voice comes from behind and I turn to see my old mentor, my idol, and childhood friend. Dashing towards her I jumped onto her and wrap my arms tightly around her.
      "Lightning! Your here too!" Behind me I hear something like Snow complaining about me not being excited about him, and Serah playfully scolding him. Detaching myself from Light she smiles and walks towards the others with me in tow. Hope pulls out three pitchers of f/d and I hear everyone laugh as my tongue lolls out of my mouth at the sight. I can't help but pounce around and onto my friends who I haven't seen in so long.
      The entire day is spent laughing, joking, catching up, and of course friendly sparring. Eventually the sun started setting and we all sat to watch it. Hope sat down beside me and I leaned back onto him. I hear what sounds like a wolf whistle before the sharp sound that was undeniably a slap. I take in the wonderful, comfortable silence that follows as we all watch the sun disappear from sight. We all stay and look at the stares in the clear blue sky; Yeul, Vanhille, and Serah seeing who can name the most constellations. Light just smiled watching all of us, and nodding to Snow who was intently watching Serah. I feel my eyelids get heavy and fight to keep them open, I don't want this to end. Softly I feel a warm gloved hand wrap around mine; our fingers easily locking together. I smile and tilt my head up and see Hope smiling too. He places his forehead against mine as we gaze into each others eyes. "I love you."
          "I love you too."


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