Chapter 1

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"Coffee" was the first thing that came into Lorelai's head on a dull, rainy morning. Stars Hollow was once again in a snow storm. But instead of snow there seemed to be endless rain. The Grey colour of the clouds reflected Lorelai's mood, she couldn't quite remember why she felt so down but she would be able to after the coffee.

Lorelai got ready and was about to go out when it started to rain. "Luke", she shouted down the phone. "Can I have my coffee now?".

"Well you can come with and get your coffee", he replied back.

"But it's raining Luke".


"Well you wouldn't want my hair to get all wet and then I would get cold and you wouldn't be able to come over tonight, you wouldn't want that would you?", she said trying to put it now her sweetest voice.

"But I live there", Luke pointed out.

"Well I won't let you in and you won't see me all night cause I will be all ill".

"Fine I will get someone to bring your coffee", Luke said finally giving in.

"I want you to bring my coffee cause if not the guy might me hot and I will call of the wedding and run of to Texas, see you in a bit Luke" and she hung up.
Thanks for reading, the first few chapters are setting the scene. Promise that it gets more exciting. Hope you enjoy it.

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