Chapter 34

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Things were getting desperate on Rory and Lane's dress shopping trip. They had looked it nearly six shops but couldn't find anything. Lane found a small shop they thought they would try. Rory wanted to be perfect. The dress. But so far nothing felt special.
"There has to be something in here,"exclaimed Lane as the entrance bell rang.
"Good afternoon ladies," said a blonde girl with to much make up on.
"Can I help you".
"No thanks, we will just look".
Rory and Lane rummaged through endless cream, ivory and white dresses.
"I swear, if I see another laced corset today I will screamed," sighed Lane as she collapsed onto a sofa.
Without warning Rory let out a squeal.
"Have you finally been swallowed up by the meringue trains," Lane joked.
"I've found it, the dress".
Rory held up simple but stylish ivory dress that was strapless and fell to the ground in a pool of silk. Once on it fitted perfectly to Rory's figure, a wave of jewels went from her left shoulder to the right of her waist where forming a flower.
"It's gorgeous," said Lane nearly in tears.
"I vets kno,  it's perfect."
The two girls had a squealing fit before buying a tiara and shoes to match.

It took two  attempts for Rory of get through the doors with her bags.
"Someone looks in a good mood," Logan said studying the huge smile on her face.
"I found the dress".
"The dress".
"I don't get how you know if it is the perfect dress".
"You just know".
"You could get married in a dressing gown gown for all I care, you look beautiful whatever you wear".
"Your sweet".
"I know, so are you gonna show me".
"No that's bad luck".
"Fine, but does it show your amazing curves".
"I might do".
"You tease Gilmore".
Logan and Rory snuggled up on the sofa and watched T.V.
"I can't believe we are getting married in three days".
"I can't wait," Logan ,whispered and kissed her on the forehead.
"Now come on, you said tonight that you were all mine".
This made Rory giggle.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading.  X
I will be updating this weekend

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