Chapter 18

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Rory was getting ready for her date,  Logan had told her to dress smart so she picked out a red, lace dress and a black cardigan. She was looking forward to going out with Logan, the door bell rang and she went to answer it. Logan stood in front of her in a black suit and white shirt, he handed her some red roses that smelt amazing. "You look..... beautiful" he said as Rory took the roses.
"Thank you", she replied blushing.
Outside was Logan's black, two seater, convertible Jaguar which looked so out of place next to her sensible family car. He was a gentleman and open the door for her, they made small chat in the cars as he drove to San Francisco. They went to an Italian Restaurant where Logan had booked a table on the roof, the view over the city was stunning in the moonlight. They talked about what happened while they were a part. "Well after graduation I went for the interview and got the job, I didn't have much time between Yale and the campaign", Rory explained.
"Cool, work has been hectic over the last year, there have been more clients and its all been really busy".
"Have your family been well".
"I don't talk to my Dad much, he doesn't like the fact my business has done well. He has lost money, I have gained money. Families shouldn't work together, it screws up relationships".
"I agree", Rory said while eating an amazing pizza.
"This is nice".
"Yes it is".
"Look Rory I just want to say how sorry I am".
"It's fine, let's just forget and start again".
"I'd like that".
Rory just smiled and drank her champaign. When they were finished they decided to walk to Logan's penthouse he was letting her stay in. Logan had definitely changed, his newspaper company was doing really well and he was a much more mature and serous person. Though he still had that cheeky spark that she loved. They got to the door. "Here's the key", Logan said.
Rory had no idea what made her do it but she lent forward and softly kissed him on the lips. Logan grabbed her waist and brought his mouth to hers. She flung her arms around his neck and rang his fingers though his hair,  Logan smiled against her lips. When they finally drew away they just kept smiling at each other. "Gosh I've missed you ace", Logan whispered.
"Me too, I'm going to go now", Rory said as she kissed him again. "See you tomorrow Logan".
She went inside the penthouse leaving a bemused Logan outside.
Thanks for reading, sorry for any mistakes X

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