Chapter 20

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"Hey Rory, just sitting in my private jacuzzi by my private beach, looking over the beautiful sea. And of course Luke is with me too" Lorelai greeted Rory over the phone.
"Shut up", Rory moaned back. "How is your honeymoon going".
"It's amazing, the weather is lovely and I am so relaxed. I am dying to know if you asked Logan to stay", she asked excitedly.
"Yes I did and you will be pleased to hear that we are dating again".
"Really, how did this happen you hated him last week".
"Well we went out for dinner and it just went from there".
"Are you happy?".
"Yes... yes I am", Rory replied smiling.
"And that is all I want for you, I have to go".
"Ok, bye Mum".

As Rory put the phone down Logan leaped out at her and made her jump off the sofa.
"My god Logan what was that for?".
"Thought it would be fun and I know you were talking about me", he had a cheeky grin on his face.
"Maybe I was talking about someone else".
"I highly doubt that".
Logan sat down next to Rory and she rested her legs on his lap.
"Anyway I have some news".
"Good or Bad".
"Both. So Finn and Colin are coming to San Francisco with their girls so I thought we could have a small reunion party thing in my apartment".
"Yeah that's sounds good, what's the bad news?", Rory asked anxiously.
"My Dad wants to see me and my work colleagues, something is going on ace and when my Dad is involved it can't be good".
"Let's just plan to party and forget about your Dad do now, I don't want you all worried".
"That sounds good", Logan said and gave a weak smile.
They just sat on the sofa talking and laughing, they both felt so comfortable around each other.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading x

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