Chapter 19

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Logan woke up half an hour early and made Rory some coffee. Yesterday was the best day of his life so far, Rory was his at last and he was never going to let her go again. He walked across the hallway and knocked on her door. A sudden panic came over him, what if she regretted the kiss, what if she was having second thoughts. Logan was still in the daze when Rory opened the door and smiled at him. She lent forward and pecked him on the cheek, with her hand rested on his shoulder Rory glanced up at him. "Are you ok?".
"I have never been better", and he brought her in for another, longer kiss. Logan knew he should have never doubted her.
"You bought me coffee", she cheered when they pulled away. He had missed her.

Rory sat in the library working on her report, she was in her element with all the research and it was coming together. Rory felt so happy that she was back with Logan, he had brought her breakfast that morning and they laughed and talked just like they used to. Rory was interrupted by a cough.
"Hello Ms Gilmore, Mr Hunzburger wants to see you", a man said.
"Does he now", Rory laughed.
She packed up her stuff and was directed up flights of stairs to a door that led onto a roof terrace. Logan stood by a table covered in food and drink. She ran up and swung her arms around him.
"Hey gorgeous", he whispered into her hair.
"Are you talking to me?", Rory teased.
"Well who else would it be".
Her attention was drawn to a bottle on the table.
"You bought me flaun", she laughed. He had also bought her that when he came back from London after they had spent so long apart.
"I thought you might like that", he said back smiling.
Sorry if its a bit dull just preparing the next big bit. Not really sure what is going to happen yet!!! Sorry for any mistakes. Thanks for reading x

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