Chapter 13

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Rory had her bags all packed ready to go back to Stars Hollow, it would be nice to have a break. "Running away are we Gilmore?", it was Logan again. Why couldn't he just leave her alone, he proposed to her a year ago and that was when they broke up. Just get over it already!!!!
"No I'm going to my Mum's wedding", Rory snapped.
"That's nice, Luke I presume. He was a nice man, a little angry but nice all the same".
"Stop saying things about my family you have no right".
"Woo calm down ace, you always were a feisty one", Logan commented with a flirty grin.
"My taxi is here", she picked up her bags and left.
"Bye Rory" Logan called after her. Yet did she know that she would be seeing him sooner than she thought.
Thanks for reading and sorry for any mistakes X

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