Chapter 31

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The first thing Rory thought to do was run, she ran to her car and drove. Before she knew it she was at Lane's house in Stars Hollow, where Lane lives with her husband and the twins. Rory could hear crying from inside the house as she knocked on the door.
"Hel...oh Rory what's the matter," Lane said as she opened it.
"Logan and I just had a fight and I just needed to speak to you," Rory said while weeping.
They sat on a bench as Rory told her the whole story.
"So what about the wedding, " Lane asked after listening.
"I don't know".

There was thump at the door as Shira went to get some coffee. She opened the door to find her son standing on the doorstep.
"Logan, what a surprise".
"Rory and I had a fight".
"What, why?".
"Because after the phone call she thought you meant what you said and I didn't and we had an argument".
"Look Logan we are going to stay out of your way and that's the truth.  We want to be at your wedding as your parents, we like Rory and she was right".
"Ok, I need to go and find her".
"You do that".
"You do that".
"Bye Mom".

As he suspected Rory wasn't there, he knew he had to make it up to her some how. He hoped she wasn't having second thoughts about the wedding. What if she didn't want to get married anymore.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading x

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