Chapter 23

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6 months later

The day that months of preparation had been for had finally arrived. Logan was with his lawyer, a mountain of paper in front of him. Rory was sat at the front of the audience area, she was extremely nervous for Logan. She spotted Logan's mom and gave her a smile which she rudely returned with a glare. Suddenly everyone went quite as a man entered the room, the judge wore Harry Potter like glasses and a black robe. Lorelai who was there for support and the experience started to laugh, Rory elbowed her in the arm which ended the sniggering.
The first half of the court case went on for three hours, both side constantly argued with each other until the judge called a break. Rory went up to Logan who brought her into a hug, he hadn't slept much and the black shadows under his eyes where clearly visible.
"I will get you a drink", Rory said quietly and left the room.
As she was picking up the cups someone knocked into her sending the content flying all over the floor. A women in a pinky peach suit stood before her, the women's silver heels made her the same hight as Rory.
"How dare you...... how dare you mess up our family, everything was fine before Logan met you again".
Rory was taken a back by the surge of insults.
"You are the reason we have to go through this. You are why Logan humiliated our family".
Rory suddenly realised who the women was, Logan's mom Shira and that more of his family was surrounding her.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading. Just realised that Logan's last name is spelt Huntzberger so sorry about that

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