Chapter 32

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"Thanks for letting talking to me Lane, I should probably go back to Logan," Rory said after talking to Lane.
"Are you sure, you could stay the night".
"No I should be going".
"Ok see you soon".
They exchanged goodbyes and she started to go home.

The day turned into night as Logan waiting for Rory to come home. He had tried to call her cell but she wouldn't pick up, he was getting seriously worried.

It was getting toward 10pm when Logan heard the door open.  He had started to drift off to sleep but when Rory entered the tiredness went.
"Rory.... I".
"I don't want to talk about it Logan I'm tired".
She did look so tried,  her hair was tangled and clothes creased.
"Sure, I will be waiting for you in the morning".
Rory disappeared into their room, he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. All thought came back, what if she wouldn't forgive him? So on.
Logan went into the bedroom and found Rory had fallen asleep in her clothes. He walked in and tucked her in. Watching Rory sleeping made his heart flutter and remember why he fell for Lorelai Gilmore.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading. Sorry for a bit of a dull chapter,  it will get more exciting I just had to prepare the scene for the next chapter. X

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