Chapter 26

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"I wanna go swimming," Lorelai said while taking off her dress.
"But that's a pond," Rory slurred with a slight attitude.
After dinner they had gone to a pub to meet Luke, in the end everyone but Luke had a little to much to drink and Lorelai, Rory and Logan were all drunk and cranky. Luke was having a problem getting all of them back to Logan's penthouse where they were staying while the court case was on.
"Put your dress back on," said Luke clearly annoyed.
"Oooo look at that guy".
Lorelai started to stumble towards a grounds keeper.
"That's it," Luke threw Lorelai over his shoulder and carried her back to the apartment.
"Look at my strong, muscular man," Lorelai giggled.

When they finally got to the apartment Lorelai was practically asleep over Luke's shoulder and Rory and Logan were finding it hard to hold each other up. Once inside Luke put Lorelai on one of the huge red leather sofas while Rory snuggled up to Logan on the other. They all fell asleep instantly.

Logan woke with a hammering headache and something heavy pressed against his chest. Glancing down he saw Rory curled around him looking so peaceful and young as she slept. Her hair was scruffy from not being brushed and she was still in her smart uniform. Logan hadn't really thought about the amount of money he won from his father yesterday, he was so happy to be with Rory and have his business safe that he didn't really care. Logan managed to get himself into the kitchen where Lorelai was eating tacos and drinking strong coffee.
"Morning, do you want a taco? Perfect hangover food you know", she said when she noticed him.
"No thanks".
He helped himself to a glass if orange juice and sat across from Lorelai. She seemed in a pretty upbeat mood so this was the time to ask her if any.
"Can ask you something".
"Yeah but if this is going to be emotional I am not in the mood".
"It isn't.... um..".
"Spit it out".
"Fine, can I ask Rory to marry me again".
There was a long pause, Lorelai gaze was drilling holes into his head.
"Oh I'm just teasing, of course you can".
"Thank you," relief flooded him as he wouldn't have done it without Lorelai permission.
"So how are you gonna propose?" Lorelai asked eagerly.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading. X

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