Chapter 17

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An amazing smell woke Rory the next morning, she got up and put on an old jumper and went onto the kitchen. The house rarely smelt of food, take away usually but never bacon that made her stomach rumble. In the kitchen Logan stood cooking some eggs, he was wearing jeans and a tight black jumper. She always thought he looked hot in black, it complemented his eyes and blonde hair. "Morning, made you breakfast", Logan said when he saw her.
"You didn't have to cook, we have pop tarts".
"Well I thought seeing as I'm trying to get you back I would pull out all the stocks".
"And breakfast is the best you can do?".
"It is one of the many, maybe if you come to dinner with me tonight then you can see more of my skills".
"Are you asking me out?".
"Yes", said Logan anxiously.
Rory thought about it, she was still angry with him. Or was she? She should be angry with him. But she felt like she wanted to go. She did want to go.
"Ok", she answered.
"Really", Logan was smiling so much.
Sorry about not updating for a while. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy it. X

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