Chapter 27

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Rory was sitting on the balcony reading a book, the sun made her hair shine and her face was fixed with concentration. Rory smiled meaning she knew Logan was there.
"That's really distracting," she said still looking at her book.
"Sorry couldn't help it".
Logan sat next to her and fiddled with a lock of her hair, Rory closed the book and lent into him.
"Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?".
"Ok, smart or casual?".
"Smart, be ready by 6".

Logan was dressed in an all black suit with a white shirt. The small, scarlet box was in his pocket, after speaking to Lorelai he had gone of to buy a ring. He chose a gold banded ring which split into three bands of the gold on the top. The colour of the diamonds where the blue of Rory's eyes and we're slipped in between the bands.
When he met Rory by her door he let out a small gasp at how amazing she looked. She wore a scarlet dress that showed he figure and flowed down to her ankles.
"You look gorgeous," he said after taking her in.
"Thank you," she said as she kissed him.

After a lovely dinner Rory and Lorelai were taking a walk through a park. Because it was Autumn the leaves were dark red and fell around their feet.
"Logan is everything okay, you have been so quiet," Rory asked anxiously.
"Yeah, just got stuff on my mind".
"Well let's talk about some-," she was interrupted.
"," Logan got down on one knee.
"Will you marry me?".
Rory looked stunned.
She was going to say no again, he should have never asked.
"Yes I will marry you".
Logan got up, smile beaming, he grabbed her and brought her in for a kiss. They stayed like that for what could have been hours, the landscape around them made it look like a scene from a movie.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading. That's the end of part 1, I am going to take a short break and then start on the next one. X

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