Chapter 29

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"Right that is the flowers and location sorted let's get on to guest list," said Honor excitedly.
"Well, Lane and Paris are bridesmaids with you so their husbands will come as well (Paris married Doyle). Grandma, Grandpa and anyone else they think should come. Dad, GG, Mum and Luke of corse".
"I will invite who ever should come from our side. Error... what about Logan and my parents?".
"I will call him about it now".
Rory walked out the small cafe in Downtown San Francisco and dialed Loans number.
"Hello Ace is everything okay?" Logan said after the second ring.
"Yeah, we are doing the guest list and we're wondering if you want to invite your parents?".
After a long pause he answered.
"Yes invite them, but I will talk to them and tell them to behave".
"Good, see you later".
"I'll look forward to it".

When Rory got back to the apartment she found Logan collapsed on the sofa with his phone pressed to his ear. He waved her over and pressed his finger to his lips showing she shouldn't speak. He put the phone on loud speaker as Logan's mother's voice broke the silence.
"Hello Logan, your Father is here as well".
"Hello, I will get to the point, as you know Rory and I are getting married".
"We are aware of that".
"Because you are my parents we are going to invite you but if you are going to cause trouble I don't want you to come. I plan to have the best day of my life and if you are going to disrupt things then just don't come".
"We have talked about this and we want to be there, as your parents. We want to be there on your special day and see you happy".
"Ok, see you there".
"Bye son".
The buzz signaled the end of the call.
"I am not convinced," was the first thing Logan said.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading. X

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