Chapter 16

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"What are you doing here", Rory whispered in an annoyed voice.
"I have to come and check that you are at your Mum's wedding".
"But thats Jeff's job".
"I offered to do it".
"Why can't you just leave me alone, you are not spoiling this day for me", Rory stormed of back to her Mum.
"Is everything ok?", Lorrlai asked.
"Yeah it's fine don't worry about it".
The music started and one by one each of the bridesmaids walked down the aisle. Rory was the last bridesmaid, she could see Logan watching her with a dreamy look on his face. She shook the thoughts out of her head as her Mum walked down the aisle,  she felt tears brimming in her eyes. The loving looks that Luke and Lorelai gave each other showed they were perfect together.

Logan couldn't help but stare at Rory, she looked gorgeous in her dress. He could only hope that she would realise how much he still loved her. Logan didn't want to cause anymore trouble so he went back his car. The Dragonfly Inn, which was the only Inn in Stars Hollow was fully booked so he would be sleeping in his car tonight.

There was a knock on the windows that made Logan jump, it was Lorrlai. "Why are you here Logan?", she asked.
"I have to check that Rory is at your wedding".
"Rory said that her boss was doing that, why are you really here?".
"Because..... because I miss her, I miss your daughter so much and I regret walking away and not giving her time and I want her back and I volunteered my business for the campaign cause I knew she was in it and I will do anything to get her back", it all just came out of his mouth, he didn't usually brake down but he had been holding his feelings in for so long.
"Ok I just wanted to know that it was true", and Lorelai walked back to the party.

The truck that Luke usually drove was packed up and ready to go to the Caribbean, Lorelai and Rory were saying goodbye. "Listen I know you don't want to here that but Logan still loves you, he had a brake down in his car talking about you".
"I doubt that".
"Come on Rory you still like him and you will regret not going back to him. I know what he did was wrong but he is trying to make it better. Invite him to stay in the house, he is sleeping in his car for goodness sake".
"Ok I don't know if I like him I'm just so confused.  Have an amazing time".
"Keep me posted", Lorelai said as she got in.
The tuck with 'Just Married' on the back disappeared into the distance.

There was another tap on the windows and to Logan's surprise it was Rory. "Um.... hi", Logan really didn't know what to say. Lorelai definitely would have told her about his brake down. "I have never seen you squirm", Rory replied.
"Don't get used to it, it only happens when I am taking to the girl I like", he realised what he just said.
"My Mum said that I should invite you to stay, so do you want to?".
"Yeah, thanks".
Logan drove Rory to her house, something was different in the way she looked and talked to him. Maybe she was starting to come back to him.
Thanks for reading,  sorry for any mistakes x

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