Chapter 24

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The events that were unfolding was causing a scene, Rory could only hope that someone would come and help her out. Shira was still throwing insults at her when Lorelai arrived by her right side.
"How dare you insult my daughter", she screamed at Shira.
"Are and here is the mother response for this girl, what a great example you set".
"How dare you insult my mom", Rory spoke out. "She has been amazing".
"And I suppose you learnt all your bad ways from her", Shira spat back.
"Rory has done nothing wrong", shouted Logan who had appeared on her left side.
"She destroyed the reputation of our family Logan".
"No, I destroyed the reputation of this family and made a better name for myself. Even if I wasn't with Rory I would have said no to the engagement, but we are and therefore I am happy. So don't attack my girlfriend, if you don't mind we have a case to win", Logan smirked as they walked off.

"Thank you so much Logan, your family are really scary", Lorelai said.
"No problem", said Logan who looked strangely happy.
Lorelai went back to her seat leaving Rory and Logan alone.
"I am so sorry about that", said Logan apologetically.
"It's ok, you seem happy".
"I have a sudden determination to win this, then I will have nothing to do with my family and able to live my life the way I like it".
"Please could everyone get ready for the second half of the court case" a booming voice said over a loud speaker.
"This is it".
"Good luck".
Logan gave Rory a quick kiss and took his place inside the wooden gates.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading. X

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