Chapter 35

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Usually being on a private jet with all your friends and familly and enough champagne to last you a life time would be an amazing experience. But for Rory the flight was filled with pre wedding nerves. She had said goodbye to Logan nearly a week ago because he wanted to get everything ready before the big day. She missed him like mad and Paris had taken away everything she could use contact him with. To add to her nerves she had stupidly agreed to let Logan plan everything so Rory had no idea what would go on. The only thing she knew was that she would be wearing the dress she chose and that it would be in Hawaii.
"Come on Rory, lighten up," her mother shouted after having a few to many drinks.
"Leave her alone Lorelai, can't you see she is nervous," an unimpressed Emily said.
"You always seem drunk," she added.
"Oh please I haven't been drunk since Rory's hen night which was like 2 days ago".
To Lorelai's amusement Emily walked of.
"If everyone could take their seats the plane is about to land," said a women over the speaker.

Once everyone's luggage was unloaded some shiny black cars came to pick them up. The island was amazing with colorful flowers and endless rainforest, it was for those reasons they chose the Hawaiian island of Maui for their wedding. The cars stopped outside a luxury hotel made completely out of wood.
"This is just gorgeous, Logan has done well here," chirped Emily as they entered the air conditioned loby.
"Welcome," said a smiling man.
"Your rooms are ready for you all upstairs, which one of you is Rory Gilmore?".
Rory walked forward.
"Your husband-to- be-," ooos erupted around the room making her blush.
"Has booked the cabin by the beach for you and your bridesmaids".

Paris, Lane, Lucy, Olivia (who had joined the bridesmaid group recently) and Honor made their way to the small cabin. Inside there were six beds in a circle, in the middle was a pile of ten champagne bottles and an assortment of food.
A small note addressed to Rory lay on the top, it read:
To my beautiful wife-to-be,
Enjoy your last night of freedom.
Don't get too drunk, I want you well for tomorrow and tomorrow night ;-).
See you at the end if the aisle.
Love you ace.
Logan xxxx
There were 'ahhhs' around the cabin as everyone read the note.
"Well Logan said," Lucy grabbed a bottle and headed for the hot tube outside. It was going to be a long night.
Once again sorry for the late update, have been so busy. Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading. I hope everyone likes it. Comments and suggestions welcome x

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