Chapter 21

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Logan and his top work colleagues were sat on one side of a rectangle table, his Dad and his business partners sat on the other. He invited Rory to listen who was stood behind him, she was really there for support and he knew she was the only one who could calm him done if he got angry.
"It was very nice for you to meet with us", Mitcham Hunzburger started.
"Just get to the point", Logan snapped back.
"Fine, we are suing your company".
"What, why".
"Because Logan you left my company started this one which used our ideas we had and took clients we had. We are suing you for copy right".
"You have no case".
"We have enough proof to win and get a huge sum of money that will shut this company down".
"Blackmail, this is low even for you".
"You embarrassed our family Logan, when you refused to marry Lucia. To stop the court case you must go apologies and marry Lucia. Do it for the family Logan", Logan was completely shocked.
"I will give you some time to decide".
Logan stormed out onto a balcony leaving Rory alone with his Dad.
"It is nice to see you again Rory, I see you and Logan are together".
"Well if Logan has any sense he will marry Lucia, you must regret not saying no to him".
Rory glared at him and walked out to Logan.
"Logan you could just marry that girl and then there would be no court case", whispered Rory.
"No way Rory, I want you and will never leave you. We can do this, show the court the abuse he used on me, get the best lawyer. We could win, but Rory leaving you is not an option ok", Logan turned her around so they were eye to eye.
"Ok", Rory smiled.
Logan walked back into the office.
"I will get my lawyer to contact you and they will decide the dates".
"You brought this on yourself son, you could just marry the girl".
"My life is not a business deal, I want to be happy with the people I am with. That's all I have to say, my receptionist will show you out", Logan said and left the room with Rory.
They had a lot of work to do.
Sorry for not updating lately.
Also sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading. There will be more about Logan's past when he and Rory were apart in the next chapter. X

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