Chapter 30

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"It sounds like your parents want to corporate," Rory said after listening to Logan and his parents conversation.
"No, it's not like them to give up on what they want," replied Logan as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Maybe they have changed, after the court case they might want to be a family again".
"Be serious Rory, they won't change".
"You can't be sure-," Rory was interrupted.
"Rory, they won't change, " Logan's voice was getting louder".
"How do you know?".
"I have lived with them for most of my life, they always want their way and are willing to fight for it".
"I know you have arguments, my family have them all the time".
"Don't compare your tiny arguments to mine, they are on a different scale".
"My arguments are horrible and have been stressful for me".
"Yeah but that's because your weak and want to get poor me attention. I don't speak and tell other people, I get on with it. You want your life to be perfect and when it's not you go and cry. Don't give your stupid opinion on my problems, you just can't deal with the fact that some people might have worse problems then you".
Logan walked out and slammed the door leaving Rory standing, shocked looked on her face.
Sorry for any mistakes. I can't believe I have over 900 views so thanks so much reading.

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