Chapter 36

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This was it, the biggest day of her life. All the bridesmaids were running around fixing her hair and makeup, but the commotion couldn't take away the nerves she had.
"Oh my gosh Rory you look gorgeous," Emily cried as she entered her room with Lorelai by her side.
"Family time later, we need to go," Paris butted in pulling Rory towards a gleaming horse and cart.
Lorelai sat beside her as they moved off into the rainforest, Rory thought it was right that her Mom would walk her down the alies after everything she had done. Christopher didn't mind and was sat on a beautiful beach where the ceremony would take place.
"This is it", Lorelai said beside her looking close to tears.
"Mom don't cry please," Rory said knowing she would start crying if Lorelai did.
"We should go shopping".
"Won't you be to busy with your husband," answered Lorelai surprised that Rory had brought shopping up.
"Well my husband will just have to accept that shopping with my Mom is important to me".
They both smiled at each other.

Logan just couldn't keep still, the nerves where building inside him as well. This wasn't helped by his best men Colin and Finn telling stupid wedding jokes every minute.
"Will you to just-", Logan was interrupted by someone calling.
"She's here".
Everyone went silent while he turned around to take some finally deep breaths. Ruffling clothes ment everyone was standing for the bride.
This is It.
Gasping from the audience made Logan want to turn around and examine her beauty, he hadn't seen her for ages and boy did he miss her.
Colin saying, "You've done good mate," made him turn finally.

Logan knew his eyes widened when he saw Rory. Her hair was done up in a bun and the natural makeup made her amazing features stand out. As he looked down at her flowing dress he couldn't help but notice her curves, his mind drifted to what was under the white material.

It made Rory blush when she saw Logan's eyes widen when he saw her. It made her feel dizzy when his gaze traveled done her body and his eyes darkened with desire. She shot him a glare which made him smirk, Lorelai gave them both a knowing look which made them bow their heads in embarrassment. Rory had to admit that Logan always looked handsome, but in his black suit his blonde hair looked more radiant and his skin more tanned.
"Let everyone be seated," the vicar spoke as Rory reached the alter.

Rory looked down at the gleaming ring on her left hand. After their amazing wedding Logan had taken her out to another tropical island for her honeymoon. She was now sat in a taxi, after work, going back to the new town house she shared with her new husband. She smiled when she thought about it.

The smell of cooking filled her nose as she entered the door.
"Hello my dear wife," Logan said as he approached and gave her a heated kiss.
"You cooked".
"Anything for you dear".
"I love you".
"I love you".
Sorry for any mistakes. This is the end of the story, thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. I might write a new book so please keep a look out. Thanks again. X

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