Chapter 22

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Rory was sat on the sofa in Logan's penthouse, Logan was pacing around trying to tell Rory about what happened.
"So my Dad's business has a client that threatened to move to another company, in a campaign to stop them my Dad offered me up to marry Lucia the daughter of Jason, my Dad's client. Jason had been looking for a suitable match for his daughter and was very happy for me to marry her. My Dad didn't tell me about the engagement until the party where it was going to announced, when I heard I walked out and refused to get married".
Logan had moved to sitting next to Rory and played with her hair.
"Why didn't you want to get married?".
"I wasn't over you".
Rory felt flattered that Logan wouldn't get married because of her though she couldn't help but feel like she was the reason for the argument. Logan could see the guilt in her eyes.
"No way is this your fault, me and my Dad have never got on and this has been bound to happen in the end".
Rory knew Logan was nervous about what was going to happen and that the court case could destroy everything he had worked for.
Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading. X

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