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The dismissal bell has rung out signaling for all students to leave the school. Most students have already left and the sun is beginning to set. In the hallways, a young girl is running down the halls. Her face etched with worry. Before turning around the corner she almost collides with a younger girl who also shares a concerned look.

"Well... have you found her?" cried Himari Akari, the oldest of the Akari sisters.

Her younger sister Hoshiko Akari shook her hair, "No sis. I checked her classroom and the home ed room, she wasn't there either."

"Ahh... where could she be?" Himari exclaimed.

"Do you think she went home already? "asked Hoshiko.

Himari shook her head and frowned, "Tsukiko would never leave without telling us, you know that!"

Hoshiko sighed, "Yeah you're right.... maybe we should check if she is-"

"Umm.... Himari sempai"

Both girls turned to see a couple of female second-year students looking down feeling ashamed.

"And you two are...?" Himari began to ask, Hoshiko suddenly blurted out "Ah! Aren't you two Tsuki Ne's classmates?"

Both girls nodded slightly still looking down and a bit ashamed. "We're sorry, we got scared... we couldn't stop them...."

"Wait, what do mean you couldn't stop them?" Himari said going closer to the two, having a bad feeling at the same time, "did something happen to Tsukiko!?"

"Atsu and her friends," one of the girls said, "they... they took Tsukiko to the rooftop. Atsu looked really angry and she might do something to her!"

Himari's eyes widen, her concern escalated when Hoshiko said, "the rooftop!?! I know that area has been off-limits for students as the fences are being repaired!"

Himari quickly rushes upstairs with Hoshiko following suit.



Tsukiko Akari, falls down to the ground. She then recovers and slowly stands up again holding her check which was swollen and red. She looks in fear at the 4 girls who are standing in front of her.

Atsu, the leader and the nastiest of the group looking somewhat please after slapping the poor girl.

"This is all your fault!" snarled Atsu, "it's because of you Hideki broke up with me!"

"But I don't understa-" Tsukiko stammered


"But I never even talked to him!" cried Tsukiko looking more and more shocked.

"Yeah right, as if you didn't do anything!" chimed in one of Atsu's friends giving a mean look to Tsukiko.

"Someone overheard Hideki saying he always liked you ever since he saw you at the library." Chimed in another friend smirked, "you pretend to be all nice and sweet but you're nothing more than a boyfriend stealing slut!"

Tsukiko slowly got back on her feet, looking down while caressing her wounded cheek. Her eyes widened when she heard Atsu said, "You know I heard rumors about you and your sisters...." She then looked at the mean girl in horror as the latter continued " that nobody in your family actually wanted you three... that you've been passed around from one home to another.... Maybe that's how you managed to seduce my dear Hideki away from me...." Atsu smirked, the girls behind her giggling, "I bet even that ugly tomboy sister of yours had to open up her legs just to get to sta-"


Tsukiko breathed heavily, her hand trembling as it had just slapped Atsu hard on the cheek. She then cried out angrily, "I don't care if you insult me, hit me, or make fun of me.... But... DON'T YOU DARE INSULT MY SISTERS! IF HIDEKI LEFT YOU IT'S BECAUSE OF YOUR ROTTEN ATTITUDE BEFORE YOU GO BLAME OTHERS WHY DON'T YOU LOOK AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR FIRST!"

Atsu slowly broke from her shocked state before she looked at Tsukiko, her eyes turned murderous. On cue 2 of Atsu's friends grabbed hold on Tsukiko's arms. Whatever courage Tsukiko had has quickly faded as she struggled to free herself from the two girls. Her eyes grew wider as she saw Atsu taking out large pair of scissors.

"Oh... so you think you're better than me huh?" Atsu said her eyes looked on crazily at Tsukiko. "Maybe it's time you and your sisters need to learn their place"

"H-hey Atsu.... don't you think that's going too far?" stammered one of the girls nervously.

"SHUT UP AKI! THIS BITCH NEEDS TO LEARN HER PLACE!" Atsu snarled. She then turned back to Tsukiko scissor in hand. "Since you love your big sister so much, maybe we should make your hairstyles just as short."


The door slams open as both Himari and Hoshiko burst in. As the elder sister sees her younger sister being held and Atsu holding a sharp pair of scissors her eyes changed to pure rage as she screamed, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO OUR SISTER!!!"

The two girls quickly released Tsukiko out of fear of getting beaten up by the strongest girl in their school. Atsu seeing as her plans are foiled shoves Tsukiko towards the fences.

The strong impact was too much for the weak fences to hold causing Tsukiko to fall from the roof.

It's as if time began to move slowly as All girls watched in horror. Both Himari and Hoshiko, not thinking of anything else rushed forward to try and grab their sister, but it too causes the 2 girls to fall as well.

Falling down, Himari quickly grabs hold of both her sisters, pulling them close as they brace themselves for the deadly impact.

They say when one is near death's door their whole life flashes before their eyes.... But for that moment, Himari hears a soft flutter of wings and the cries of a raven.

A voice silently whispers...

"State thy Wish"

Call it acceptance or fear.... But Himari had one thing on her mind as she hugged her two sisters tighter.

"I wish.... That we could just be happy!"

And then all went black.


So how do you like the story so far.... Sorry again, it's been a while since I wrote anything so my grammar and story writing may be a little rusty, but I'll try to do better. This is really a long chapter but I decided to cut it into two so the next chapter is coming up...

Himari, Tsukiko, and Hoshiko Akari belong to me 

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