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I opened my eyes and stared at my surroundings. I was in an unknown savannah.

"Is this a dream?" I thought while still looking around, soon a gentle wind brushed past me, the warmth of it made me feel peaceful as I closed my eyes and breathed out, as I whispered, "I can feel the wind."

From a distance on a giant rock, I see a lion and a mandrill heading towards the cliff. The primate seems to be holding something in its arms. A hornbill then flew past me and towards the rock. Soon the Lion was accompanied by the Lioness, looking at the Mandrill. Below them, all animals of shape and sizes have gathered around to watch. I finally could see that what it is holding is a small lion cub.

With great care, he then lifts the cub up in the air towards the heavens as if to show the entire savannah about this little bundle of joy.

I felt in awe as if I have witnessed something majestic. Then my moonstone began to glow and all went white....

In the vast white space, I hear a lion's roar.....




Tsukiko Akari slowly rose from her bed and looked around in a slight daze before realizing where she was. She then began to contemplate of what she had just dreamt, "What was with that roar?" She thought as she silently touched her moonstone.

"Nyah.... How's that.... Do you understand the power of the Great Grim...."

Tsukiko looked down and by her side stretching and talking in his sleep lay Grim. Tsukiko smiled and gently began to nudge the little monster as she said, "Grim, wake up."

"I showed that tyrant, Riddle, who's boss....What!?! The Ramshackle Dorm?" Grim exclaimed as he quickly stood up from where he was sleeping. He then sat down again and sighed out, "It was only a dream.... I thought I'd knock that Riddle out and become the strongest wizard ever. So disappointing."

Tsukiko smiled gently and stroked the feline monster. It has already been a week since the "RIDDLE INCIDENT". All has been well, and things have changed for the better in the Heartslabyul dorm. The sisters and Grim are often welcomed there especially during tea time where they partake of Trey's, delicious sweets. She then said  to Grim, "It's already time for breakfast, would you like to help me out in the kitchen, Grim?"

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