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"No way, no way! No way I'm going back to those boring classes!"



"Knock it off, you little furball! You're not gonna be a great wizard if you keep acting like this!"

"Dammit! You're extra strict today!"

It took a while before the boys successfully captured Grim

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It took a while before the boys successfully captured Grim. As they were walking back towards the hallways, the little feline monster kept whining and struggled to break free from Ace's hold. It all ended once Himari used her signature move to silence the little creature.

"Now Grim," Tsukiko said in a motherly stern tone, "Neesan is right. You're the one who wanted to get into this school as an official student for such a long time. Now you finally have this opportunity, you shouldn't waste it by being impatient."

"But... but... those classes were sooooo boring!" Grim whined looking at Tsukiko with teary kitty cat eyes, "I wanted to learn how to use magic with a bang!"

"Hey, I agree the first classes were really tough.... And maybe a little boring" Himari said, muttering the last part, "but that doesn't mean you can go cause trouble for the rest of us."

"Hmph so says the one who fell asleep during history class..." Grim grumbled.



"Okay, okay.... I think we are all just grumpy because we haven't eaten yet." Hoshiko chirped in, trying to pacify the situation.

"Yeah, Hoshiko's right." Ace said handing Grim over to Tsukiko. "Let's head over to the cafeteria, besides... you three owe me a chocolate croissant!" He added giving a slight smirk.

"And an Iced Latte" Deuce added.

"Grrr... yeah! yeah!" Himari grumbled.



The 5 teens and Grim were already in the cafeteria, lining up to get their order.

"It's finally lunchtime!!!" Grim cried out excitedly. He then eyed the food on display his mouth starting to drool as he said, "Wow! Everything looks so good here!"

 He then eyed the food on display his mouth starting to drool as he said, "Wow! Everything looks so good here!"

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