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As the Eldest Akari sister was heading back to her room after her midnight encounter, Tsukiko Akari sleeps peacefully in her room. The mirror began to ripple and soon shimmer and at the very same time, Tsukiko begins to dream.




I slowly opened my eyes as once again I realized that I'm dreaming. Surrounding my sights was nothing more than mists. Suddenly I stopped and heard sounded like marching, only it was not human... Soon in front of me, the mist began to clear and I was inside what seemed like a cave. Tall and rocky... I looked at the floor and could see cracks and what seemed to be green steam coming out. I turned to where the sound was coming from and I blinked as I whispered, "Animals... are marching?"

I can see a pack of wild hyenas and they were marching at first before they stopped and looked up. I followed where they were staring and I see a Lion with a scar on his eye standing on the cliffside looking down at them. From the looks of things, he seems to be the leader of this pack.

Wait... he looks rather familiar?

"A shiny new era is tip-toeing nearer...." The Lion declared to the Hyeanas.

"And where do we venture?" One of the Hyenas asked. The Lion walked towards her as he replied in a sing-song tone, "Just listen to teacher." He gave a rather playful (and it seems painful) pinch on the female Hyenas cheek who did not seem happy as she rubbed her sore cheek afterward.

The Lion then climbed into the other ledge as he said with a wicked grin, "We're going to kill Mufasa. And Simba too. Then I will be King!"

"Gasp! Kill?!?" I cried in shock.

All the Hyenas cackled and cheered while jumping up and down as they cried, "Great idea! Long Live the King! Long Live the King!"

The Lion gave a smug smile as he continued, "My teeth and Ambitions are bared. Be prepared!"

I took two steps back... whoever those two are.... Mufasa and Simba... I need to find them... I need to warn them!

But before I could run out of there, my moonstone began to glow and I was engulfed by the light.... The last thing on my mind was... "Why does he want to be King so badly?"

And then I woke up....




Tsukiko slowly sat up on her bed. She slowly rubbed her eyes and stared at the Mirror on her wall. Memories from the dream troubled her so as her hand reached towards her moonstone and gently caressed it.

"That was a really wild dream." Tsukiko sighed. What was the dream all about... why was she having them...

Her thoughts were soon interrupted when Grim suddenly barged inside and jumped on her bed as he greeted her, "Oh, you're up Tsukiko! You're making breakfast right? Let's get going! I'm starving!" Seeing the little monster's excited face, Tsukiko brushed away her worries regarding her dreams and smiled gently saying, "Oh, Of course...."

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