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First of all... a massive thank you to everyone for liking my event story of Twisted Wonderland story.... Your continuing support and enjoyment help me in keeping on writing.... so about the announcements:

1. Although I hope to finish the entire Halloween story by the end of November... my day job and other projects need to be prioritized... so the Halloween story will extend probably around December thank you all for your continuing patience at my pace.

2. The main arc is doing well and I am typing away during my free time... I will most likely upload the new chapters by the 1st week of Jan 2024.... again... as much as I want to upload it right away, my schedule is fully booked for this whole BER month.

3. After the Halloween story I am already working on illustrations for the comic versions of original side stories.... and more side events.... but I also am thinking of adding ORIGINAL SIDE EVENT STORIES here are what I have been thinking of adding:

- Day of Hearts Valentine's Event

- Magical Midnight Ball Event

- Dance of the Swans a Ballet Gala Event

- Colorful Fiesta Extravaganza Event

So that is all for now.... will update the next chapter of the HALLOWEEN EVENT Tom... enjoy and if there are any events you wish for me to consider adding pls feel free to write them down in the comment below... I can't promise I will put it there but I will think it over.

thank you and have a great day :)

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