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"He's late once again...Honestly what could be taking the headmaster so long?" Riddle grumbled as he looked at his pocket watch. All 6 of the Dorm leaders have gathered together waiting for the arrival of the masked principal.

"Yaawn.... I could have enjoyed a nice nap, instead, I'm waiting for that guy... what a pain." Leona drawled lazily.

Soon the doors opened and the Headmaster arrived. To the 6 dorm leaders' surprise, Himari Akari followed suit.

"Gentlemen good day." Crowley greeted them, "Before we begin, I would like to make an announcement. As you all are aware. Miss Himari and her two sisters have enrolled as students in our fine establishment along with the monster, Grim. Furthermore, they have taken residency in Ramshackle Dorm, therefore it has been decided that Night Raven College will recognize the dorm as part of our school. Allow me to introduce their dorm leader, Ms. Himari Akari."

The room was in total silence as all the Dorm leaders looked at the headmaster and Himari in shock. In order to break the ice, Crowley gave a small cough as if it to signal, Himari. She took a step forward and gave a humble bow as she said, "I'm Himari Akari, Dorm Leader for Ramshackle." She then straightened herself and gave a cheery smile and wave, "Nice to meet you all!"

Riddle's face gave a warm smile as he saw her, while Kalim grinned and rushed forward to her

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Riddle's face gave a warm smile as he saw her, while Kalim grinned and rushed forward to her. He then grasped her hands and gave a hearty shaky while crying out, "OH WOW! IT'S SO NICE TO FINALLY GET A CHANCE TO MEET ONE OF YOU!" He then continued, not letting go of her hands, "My name is Kalim Al-Asim, I'm the head of Scarabia."

Himari, who was a bit surprised by the cheerful boy's greeting, just gave a nervous laugh and said "Well I'm glad to meet you Kalim

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Himari, who was a bit surprised by the cheerful boy's greeting, just gave a nervous laugh and said "Well I'm glad to meet you Kalim."

Riddle then stepped between them as he said to Kalim, "Kalim don't be too forward. Gentlemen must always greet a lady with a respectful distance." He then turned to Himari as he said, "As Dorm leader of Heartslabyul, allow me to introduce you to the other dorm leaders."

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