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I opened my eyes and stared at my surroundings. There was nothing but misty white space.

"Another Strange Dream?" I muttered still looking around.

Suddenly the mist begins to part and I see a dark vast hallway. The Blond-haired kid was thereby a courtroom bench. I could see already that the place I'm looking at was a courtroom. The Queen of Hearts stood at the Judge's table which was rather way high looking down at the girl already reached a decision even before the defense could start.

"Your Majesty indeed...." The little girl scoffed looking up at the Queen angrily, "Why... you're not a Queen! You are just a pompous bad-tempered tyrant!"

I smiled and was greatly impressed by the girl's courage. "That's right! You tell her kid!" I said... even though they can't seem to hear me.

The Queen looked even more furious as she growled out, "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?"

I then see a purple striped Cheshire cat suddenly appearing on top of the Queen's head, she doesn't seem to notice it. The cat grinned wider and said, "She said You were a pompous bad-tempered tyrant!"

The Queen's face grew even red and you can practically see steam coming out from her ears. She then roared out, "GRRRRRRRR!!!! OFF WITH HER HEAAAAD!!!!"

My eyes grew wide looking absolutely horrified, are they really going to execute a kid?!?

The Queen and the cat soon vanished and a massive wave of the Card soldiers are closing in on the kid.

"H-HEY.... WAIT... STOP!" I cried out rushing forward to save the little girl, "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!"

But no matter how fast I run it's as if I was trapped in one area and nowhere near the girl. I could only watch helplessly as the girl looked around in her surroundings nowhere to escape as the waves of Card men coming closer and closer.

In my last effort, I stretched out my hand to her as I screamed, "STOOOOOPPP!!!!"

My Sundrop began to glow and soon the whole place was enveloped in a bright light before darkness took over... and I blacked out again.

"Why...." I thought, "Why didn't anyone try to stop the Queen?"




Himari was already finished tying her ribbon when Grim popped in followed by Ace and her sisters. Unlike his female classmates, Ace was wearing his Dorms official uniform.

"Oh? You're already up!" Grim greeted as he jumped on Himari's shoulders.

"Today's the day! Let's get going!" Ace declared looking pumped up and ready to fight.

"Right!" Himari agreed. All of them soon left Ramshackle dorm to face Riddle.

But while walking, Himari could already hear more of the dripping sound. Another ominous feeling crept in her. " Something is coming..." She thought, "Something really bad."




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