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"But who are you to judge?
When you're a diamond in the rough,"


Navigating through the Gothic Revival architecture castle she finally arrived at her class, the whole college glowed with modern lights which relieved her since she had thought it will not be lighted well.

Students were hustling in the corridor, silently, tugging on her bag she arrived at room number forty-five- her first class Maths which was an extra subject, she had asked to be enrolled at the last minute.

There was no seat-sharing, two chairs and a table were arranged beside each other. Avni had always gone to private schools but they were nothing fancy unlike this one so she was slightly surprised with only forty tables in the room and almost twenty-eight of them were occupied. Ignoring the curious glances she settled herself in the far corner.

Few minutes before the class the lecturer arrived who introduced himself as Mr Sharma.

Just as he was to start the class the door of the classroom was thrown open again, there stood Aman, beside him stood a girl and a boy with dark hair, behind him there was one more girl and boy.

"Good morning Mr Sharma," the guy behind Aman shouted, Avni looked around everyone in the class was looking towards them it was clear who they were- they were the so-called cool students of the school. Even in a school filled with rich people, some people were richer than others and they were them.

Avni scoffed under her breath.

"Good morning Mr Kapoor, can you and your friends take your seats so that I can begin the class?" Mr Sharma said rubbing his half-bald head.

"Sure, Mr Sharma," she watched as all of them started shifting in, then she saw a boy in the last, he was same guy from earlier.

"Now that Mr Khanna and his friends have blessed us with their presence, I would like to introduce you to a new student, who will be joining us from today-" his eyes moved towards her, like everyone's, "Ms Mehta will you introduce yourself to everyone?"

"Here we go," Avni muttered silently as she heard few gasps, all the students looked between her and Aman, who had a stony face- even all his were looking towards her.

"I'm Avni Mehta, I'm majoring in Mass Media education, Thank you." She stated loudly and sat down. Her hands folded over her chest as she stared at the empty notebook.

"Anybody any questions for Ms Mehta?"

Avni was taken aback when someone raised a hand, guess she was not that intimidating, the guy was slightly bulky, he grinned as he stood up.

"Yes, Mr Chowdhury?"

"Are you anyway related to Aman?" The guy asked, Avni felt everyone's gaze on her.

It was a minute choice, Avni leaned back in her seat. Aman's voice rang in her head, she glanced back towards him, his face was still stony.



"Are you Ashish Mehta's daughter?" Some other student asked, "I have heard she was studying abroad."

Avni rolled her eyes, studying abroad? What a cliche lie.

"Yes, I'm"

"Wait. . .does that mean. . .she. . .is Ayesha. . .Mehta's. . . .daughter too." There was a whisper, Avni glanced towards the girl.

"Oh did my father had any other wife other than my mom and Aman's mom that I didn't know of?" She asked the girl, Avni glanced around when she heard many gasps.

"She is her. . .daughter. ."

"Ayesha Mehta. . . .Avni Mehta. . . ."

"Don't take that woman's name you idiot. . ."

Avni slightly baffled, with a blank face looked around the classroom. The murmurs were louder, she glanced at where Aman and his friends were seated, Aman's face was a blank canvas, but she could still feel annoyance from him.

What was so wrong with being her mother's daughter? It was better than being that good for nothing Ashish Mehta's daughter.

She glanced back at the Aman's group, where most people were looking at her eyes resting on the guy everyone, was whispering about, the guy entered the last, Avni felt spooked when he glanced up, his eyes were blank, there was redness around it.

But she was not able identify what she had done? What had her mother done?

"Okay class that's enough, get back to lecture now, and Ms Mehta, I hope you will enjoy your semester," everyone barely paid attention to him but Avni looked towards him and nodded.

This was going to be a long day.

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