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"I'm the one I should love in this world."


The class was silent, of course, it was silent, the teacher has just announced a group project just before a weekend and the submission was next week. And also the fact that he has already chosen a partner for everyone which meant only one thing for everyone that was being stuck with someone they might hate, dislike or don't know for a whole week.

Avni crossed her fingers, hoping she doesn't ends up with any of the Aman's friends, DD grimaced.

"I would rather do the whole project alone." he muttered and she agreed to him.

The last week had been silent, after Avni's coffee meeting with Neil, nothing had happened. It group was ignoring her existence, and she was glad about it. Aman was okay too. Neil was just Neil, he would nod and acknowledge her existence.

Vidhyut was pretty cool too, considering he helped her with her computer class which they shared. Which was actually nice if him, and saved her a lot of practical marks.

The teacher started taking names, Avni bit her lip.

"Mr Dayal with Mr Mehta." she looked at DD who grimaced, "Mr Dayal please move beside Mr Mehta so you could discuss when you are meeting to complete this project." DD stuffed his books in his bag, Avni patted his shoulder sympathetically.

"At least you will be at Mehta Mansion and would be able to meet me." she told, DD smiled at her, "And yeah if he is being a dick push him out of the window, I won't mind." she added, making him laugh, she grinned and watched him go and seat beside Aman where Karan was sitting.

Karan slinging his back on his shoulder sat beside a guy, in front of Riya and Juhi's place. Avni waited, everyone's name was done, all boys and girls were paired with girls and boys respectively.

"Ms Mehta and Mr Khanna." everyone stopped chattering, she looked up from her desk. What? How? Till now he has paired girls with girls and boys with boys so what's the problem here.

"But sir, how? Everyone here is paired with the same gender." she said standing up.

"Ms Mehta till last year class was not balanced, boys were more, because of your joining now both are equal, and because of that you and Mr Khanna are odd ones who are left out from both groups." the teacher said, "So I grouped you both."

"You can always make a group of three?"

"Ms Mehta making two groups of three will be unfair to others who are doing all work in two." the teacher sighed arranging his papers, he didn't even glance at her. Neil slung his bag on his shoulder and walked towards her seat.

Avni huffed as he dropped his back on the ground beside his chair and sat beside her.

"Mehta Mansion?" He asked, she nodded, "At seven today, living room." she muttered.

Neil nodded, "Are we distributing the work?"

"Yes, you collect the information, I will compile them and then we can share the writing part."

"Seems like a good idea."

- - - - - -

Avni dropped her bag on the sofa she pulled the table in front of the sofa in the living room, so they could use it as support. Mrs Mehta looked at the change in scenery, her eyebrows raised she didn't blame her, she barely came out of her room. Seeing her outside of her room must be an unfamiliar sight for her.

"Is someone coming?" She asked Avni glanced towards her, before she could answer the bell rang, one of the servants rushed to open it, Neil stepped through the doors, the servant greeted him.

Neil walked towards them Mrs Mehta smiled towards him, "Neil beta? It's so good to see you, I barely see you anymore, come here." she said pulling him in a hug, Avni watched as Neil smiled and hugged her back.

"It's been busy college year Neela Aunty, plus the work is huge too." he said, Mrs Mehta's face turned sympathetic, "You guys are growing so fast, I still remember the nine-year-old you--"

She stopped and looked at her, "Have you guys met already?" Her eyes widening like she had not expected them to meet.

"We go in the same college." Avni answered in a duh tone, Neil glanced at her.


"Neil?" Mrs Mehta said, he looked at her his face lacked smile now, he ran his hand through his hair, "Yeah Neela Aunty?"

It was as if Mrs Mehta had a second thought about what she was going to say, she stopped and nodded, "Aman is upstairs in his room,"

"He is here to do the project we are assigned." Avni told her taking place on the sofa.

"What?" Her eyes widened but then she schooled her features when Avni  raised her eyebrows in question, "I'm sorry, that's good to know, I hope you both enjoy doing your project."

"And if you both need something call me, I will be in Ashish's study." she said, Avni nodded and watched as she exited the living room.

Neil dropped his bag beside her bag and pulled his laptop out, Avni removed project papers she had bought while coming to back to Mehta Mansion from college.

"Should I send you the information I have collected or you will compile it from my laptop?" Neil asked, Avni leaned towards him to look at his laptop, she kept their bag on the table before moving closer to him to look at his desktop.

She frowned looking at him already having information websites bookmarked, "When did you find this?" She asked, her mouth opening closing.

"Um. .I. ."

"Wait don't tell me you searched for them when you got home from college?" She asked, she felt so useless knowing he had searched this after returning from college, she could not even move when she returned from college.

Neil rubbed the back of his neck, his ears turned pink, "No of course not I'm not a nerd." he mumbled huffing, Avni covered her mouth to stop her laughter at his reaction.

"Really? You are not doing good at proving it otherwise though."

"Shut up,"

"I can bet all the money I have that you have read all the classics." she said, and watched his ear turn pinker, she grinned, "You are such a nerd Neil." she laughed, pushing his shoulder softly by hers.

Neil had a slight smile, when he shoved his laptop in her hand, "Compile the information."

Avni grinned and saluted him knowing he was doing to hide his embarrassment. It made her wonder were all it group members were like him? Tough at the top but softie under everything?

She didn't know.

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Just wanted to say thank you for staying. I'm not the most amazing writer and it's so nice that you all have stuck with me.

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