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"Oh, it's funny how
The warning signs can feel like they're butterflies,"


Avni dropped her bag on her bed, she fell beside the bag, tiredly. Today was one of the longest days of her life. She yawned as she yanked her socks off her feet and removed her tie before sleep could embrace her. It was nearly thirty past six when she woke up. Lazily, Avni changed out of her clothes into grey sweatpants and a grey oversized t-shirt.

After changing she hurried out of her room, she needed to eat. She was hungry even during lunch she didn't have enough time to eat something as DD filling her about the Aman's friend or heirs of Phoenix as they were normally referred . Now after DD's nagging for twenty minutes with information about them, Avni felt like she could write an article about them.

Everything was seriously very cliche, there were two girls in the group of six, and with personal experience, DD and Avni had concluded they were classic bitches, rude and proud of their wealth. Then remained the four guys, she had already had an encounter with two of them and with her luck, they were the best of them.

Niel Khanna and Aman Mehta, her darling stepbrother and his best friend for eleven years now. Avni took place at the dining table with a bag of chips. Niel Khanna, a total asshole who thought he had the right to act like a asshole, unofficial leader of the group since his family had the biggest shares in the Phoenix. He was mostly quiet but still most intimidating.

Now remained two of the boys, Vidhyut Pandit was lethal, just like Niel he was quiet but what she had known from her personal experience told her he was the most unforgiving from them because everyone knows the calmest storm causes the largest destruction. Then there was Karan Kapoor, the resident joker, but since he was part of it Avni just knew he was a joker from It not from some funny, child-friendly show.

Done with her snacks Avni started walking towards her room again, she wondered what was the reason everyone seemed to hate her mum and her. Avni halted at the right time as she felt someone in front of her, she looked towards the person— she sighed it was her favourite person, she ran her hand on her face, as Niel Khanna stared at her passively, she felt a nagging urge to urge to poke him and see if he was made of stone.

"Give me a break, can't I spend at least an evening without seeing your face?" Avni said annoyed, Niel's facial expression didn't change.

"Seven billion people in the world and my darling stepbrother had to make you his best friend." She said, trying to get any reaction from him but she didn't she sighed in disappointment.

In morning he was more expressive than he was now.

"Ugh anyways buy me new shoes since you and your friends runied mine." Avni told him and yawned. She started walking away from him, bored.

Then she stopped, and went back glancing at him, "And by the way, I prefer Nike shoes."

"Don't you think you talk too much?" Avni grinned and glanced towards him. "Oh, it speaks." she commented, smiling.

"And to answer your question, even if I do it's none of your business,"

Avni shifted slightly when she saw a glint in his eyes, she backed herself at the wall of the corridor as he moved towards her and stopped at a respective distance.

"It's my business because I don't want you killed before I'm done with you, and believe me when I say your mouth will get you killed." he said, his hands in his pants pocket without another second he disappeared behind Aman's room door.

Avni rolled her eyes, she closed the door behind her as she entered her room.

Taking out the school work, she started working on it. She could not compromise her school work between this drama. She had left Nano and Ali because of it, she could not let her sacrifice go to waste. Avni suddenly felt the overwhelming emotion of separation from her family, she wiped her tears and looked at the photo on her home screen.

She and Ali stood in front of Nano, grinning they were just sixteen in the pic, they looked so happy. She looked at her contacts, there were only five of them now, Ali, Nano, Mr Mehta, Mrs Mehta and now DD.

Avni offed her phone when she heard a knock on her door, wiping her tears making sure she didn't looked like she had a crying session, she opened her door. She looked at Aman with a raised eyebrow, he gave her a form.

"It's an extra circular activities form, fill it up and submit it tomorrow," he said, Avni waited for him to continue, she was sure he just didn't knock on her door to give her a form.

She was right, as he sighed and then glanced at the wall, where Niel was leaning, "I'm going out, I will be late tell that to my mum," he gritted out.

"Why don't you tell her that?"

"If your pea-sized brain has not noticed, let me tell you she is not home."

Avni glared at him and then raised her phone waving it, "In the year 1995 a machine called smartphones were introduced, it looks like this now," she waved her phone "why don't you make use of it?"

Aman sighed, "She is not picking up the phone, now will you do it?"

"Nope, drop her a sticky note." she replied near to close her door.

"You owe me favours Avni don't forget that, I drove you to school, I gave you advice which of course you being dumb didn't follow and now I brought you that form."

Avni groaned.

"Fine I'll do it what do I need to tell her?"

"Tell her I'm going to this party, I will be late."

"Okay, now go away." with that Avni closed the door on his face.

Without wasting a minute she called up DD.


"Hey DD,"

"Avni why are you calling me now?"

"Tell me what parties are there in our area today,"

"Only one, organised by Tara and Sitara, you remember those twins but why are you asking?"

"Well DD wear your best clothes, we are going to a party, and I know Tara and Sitara won't mind me as a guest."

"But Avni—"

"I will be picking you up in thirty minutes if you want ask your girlfriend to tag along."

Avni hanged up before he could reply.


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And Happy Pride Month by the way!

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