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"You got me thinkin' that I was too mean
Well, everything that I say, I believe."


Avni was not sure if doing what she was doing will work out but this was one of the only options she had and let's be truthful since she came here, she barely had any of them. She paused and looked at DD who was kind of her partner in crime right now.

"This will work?"

"Let's hope." he answered.

"You are a boy, you should know!" She exclaimed looking at him, DD gave her an unimpressed look.

"You are his best friend you should know better than me." he pointed out, Avni huffed out, "Shut up."

"Thought so," he muttered.

Avni looked ahead where Neil was opening his locker, his uniform was messy, few buttons undone, shirt slightly untucked. "Why is his uniform messy today?" She asked DD, he looked at her scowling "Do you think I'm his designer or secretary?"

"Geez what has gotten in you?"

"Your brother," he muttered, Avni frowned, "Aman?"

"What?" DD asked defensively.

"You said, my brother."

"No, I didn't why would I talk about that asshole." he hastily said before Avni could question him anymore, she heard a loud noise, she looked towards Neil, he had closed his locker harshly, he looked around, Avni turned away to hide but she was too late, he saw her.

He glared at her before turning around and storming towards the door of college?

"Did he just leave? Just like that?" Avni opened and closed her mouth looking at DD, who shrugged "Well that means if you want him to attend all his class, make sure to do the sorry thing which you are doing, during last period."

"He has like what eight classes today? He just walked out?"

"I'm more worried about the chocolate in his locker which will probably end up rotting," DD grimaced, "He will manage not attending few classes,"

Avni looked at DD scowling, "Somehow you are managing to make me hate humans more than I already do, did you exchanged soul with Aman while doing the project?"

He scowled, "I don't know what you are talking about." with that he left her standing there in the middle of the corridor wondering what happened to him.


Avni was very close to throwing a fit, she had done everything she could, leaving chocolate and sorry note, telling him sorry, talking to him nothing has worked. On top of that DD was still acting like a rude teenager who thought being rude to everyone was made them look cool.

She sighed poring herself a cold coffee in a brown cup, she turned to look at Mrs Mehta standing there looking at her with a frown.

"Are you okay? Is college stressing you out?" She asked, Avni shook her head, "No it's not college." she replied.

An understanding crossed over her face, "Is it something related to Neil? Is he upset that you forgot about him?"

She bit her lip, if Avni had to be honest she was not sure if she was ready to tell Mrs Mehta but she stopped herself. What if she could actually help her? The idea of getting help was very tempting, she needed it like anything even DD was not being much of help.

"Yes kinda," she answered, "I've tried all the ways of earning apology none of them is working." she confessed, feeling vulnerable in front of one woman she disliked the most.

"Some people you know, cherish sincere apology more than bigger or apology that has more effort." she told her, removing milk and melted chocolate, and a pinata chocolate ball.

"Have you tried telling him why you forget about him in the first place." she continued and poured some milk in a container keeping it for heating. Avni shook her head stirring the ice in her ice coffee.

"Maybe you should tell him that, it might be hard for you to talk because it seems like something that really left an effect on you but it's worth it trust me, talking about your struggle can be helpful," she softly explained, pouring now the heated milk in two cups, she dropped the pinata ball in it with little chocolate and slid the cup towards her.

"Drink this, cold coffee is not the best idea in the night." she murmured, Avni looked at the floating marshmallows and cinnamon powder, smiled a tugged at the corner of her lips but she immediately hid it before Mrs Mehta could notice.

She kept her coffee on the counter and picked up the cup, it had been long since she had hot chocolate.

She thought about what she had told her now, "How do you know something happened?" She asked her, Mrs Mehta looked up from her hot chocolate.

"You were eight then Avni it's very uncommon for an eight-year-old to have absolutely no collection of her memory of then."

Avni bit her lips, nodding. She now had a basic idea of what she had to do.

"Thank you," she told her, Mrs Mehta smiled, "You don't need to thank me Avni, I will always be there to help you," Avni shifted uncomfortably by hearing the sincerity in her voice with no other word, she left the kitchen with too many things in her mind.


It's short but yeah.

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