| 1 6 | apology

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"My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand."


Avni looked at her college homework, she flexed her finger, before scribbling the last line on the paper, she wiped her eyes before closing the laptop shut and laying down on the bed, she looked at the photo that was under her pillow. Her eyes watering her mother's hand was around her, her small figure sat in her lap. Her mother seemed happy as she smiled for the picture.

What changed? When did her mother become a villain? She wiped her tears. Nothing could change the fact that her mother was far from the kind woman she remembered her as, even her apology to people she had hurted while being so engrossed in herself could never make Avni like before.

"Why Ma? Why did you hurt so many people?" She whispered, tears flowing from her eyes, "Ashish Mehta was already a bad father why did you become a bad mother Ma? Were those shares more important than people's lives? More important than me?"

"I was always proud of being your daughter but you ruined that too Ma." she sobbed, Avni got up from where she was laying she took the photo in her hand and put it into the last drawer of her study table, she closed it shut and slide on the floor her back against the table's drawer, her head was buried in her knee as she sobbed.

. . . . . .

"Oye Mehta! Hope you enjoyed your slimy shower." Riya Arora said as soon as Avni entered her first class. Avni rubbed her head and gave her the most unimpressed look she could manage.

"That's the best you have got Riya? At least do me a favour find good insults to insult me so that I can actually reply to you." she replied dropping her bag on the floor taking a seat beside DD, she watched as Riya huffed.

Her eyes locked with warm brown ones who gave her a subtle nod before looking away, Avni sighed. "I was really surprised that you made out alive of that accident, I actually expected better." Juhi said, pouting.

Of course, I made out alive, I was the one who faked it. She thought and gave Juhi the fakest of her smile, "Even I expected your insult to be worth replying, my bad."

Before anyone of them could speak again, Professor came into the class, Avni settled in her seat.

"I thought you wanted to apologise to them?" DD questioned, his eyebrow furrowed.

"I did but that doesn't mean I would tolerate their bullshit." she replied, DD smiled and got back to his notes.

"So you want to tell me something?"

DD said after few minutes in class, Avni glanced up from her notes and shrugged, hiding a playful smile.

"Okay don't tell me! But remember I won't help you anymore in any investigation." he huffed dropping his pen, she glanced at the teacher ahead who was busy writing on board, she bumped her shoulder with his, smiling. Nothing in her life was okay right now, but she could always make them okay.

"Neil accepted my apology!"

"Oh-- wait-- what?!"


"He accepted your apology? Just like that? What the fuck?"

"He is even helping me in apologising to Vidhyut." DD opened his mouth and closed, "Are you sure he is not planning anything else? Neil is a asshole Avni, he has bullied people, he was absolutely horrible to you on your first day." He told her, Avni twirled her pen.

"I don't know, and I know but the first day was a petty argument DD, and other thing he did was bad but I will have to meet them in middle, I have to complete my education here I can't be on bad terms with them when I will see so much of them."

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