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"They say the road gets hard and you get lost when you're led by blind faith."


Avni yawned and stretched her limbs glancing at what Neil was doing, she sighed when she saw him highlighting important stuff from the book he was reading as a reference for the project. Honestly, that guy didn't know how to take a break. They have been working on the project and she was honestly tired and irritated considering he wanted everything perfect.

Like literally everything, all the information needed to be double-checked and reliable. It didn't matter if it would take them years to do the project.

She was already tired of his nagging and it approximately had been five hours since she was in his presence, three hours yesterday evening and two hours today. She was pretty sure she will lose her marble if he continued this so she decided to stick to worldwide comforter chocolates to give her comfort and patience to deal with him.

And it was her fifth chocolate of the two hours so one could understand how hard she was trying to not slam his goddamn laptop on his head. DD was in Aman's room doing the project with him and they were in the living room considering Avni didn't want him in her room.

She looked at him and then glanced at the bar of chocolate, she removed the chocolate from the wrapper and pushed on end of the chocolate towards him.

"What?" He glanced up, looking from chocolate to her.

"Have that you have been working on that goddamn project for two hours." she impatiently muttered, Neil leaned away from his laptop seating straight he pushed the hair from his forehead away.

It was like he thought something Avni was pretty sure she saw something in his brown eyes before he leaned towards her hand, his messy hairs again falling over his forehead and eat a piece of chocolate.

She frowned slightly but she pulled the chocolate back when he started chewing his piece and took a bite from other end, she had not expected him to eat like that. She was ready for to get herself different chocolate but he decided to share. Was he really truthful about the truce?

"Thanks." he said, looking at her from the corner of his eye, Avni nodded and offered him another bite which he took.

They completed the rest of the chocolate bar before getting back to the project.



"Avni this information is not reliable!" Avni groaned, "Can't you see the lack of protection on the website? A reliable website has this lock icon--" he pointed at the lock icon in the taskbar of the chrome on her laptop, "It's like a verification like ones in social media, to get this security lock it costs money and an unreliable source would not have it because why will they waste their money on this knowing they can get sued for false information."

Avni closed her laptop shut, she glared at him, "Neil I-don't-know-your-middle-name Khanna, shut the fuck up! I have that common knowledge." she aggressively said, looking at him. "You can't just spend your whole time reading different books for information cause' they are reliable, that way it would take months to do this project!" Her voice raised at the ending, she ran her hand over her face.

"You are so frustrating!"

"So me caring about my marks is frustrating?" He asked his voice getting louder too.

"I care about marks too! But if we go with this phase we will be not able to complete the fuckin' project."

"Yeah? So what are we supposed to do? Take information from unreliable websites? And cost us marks?" He snapped, standing up from the sofa, Avni followed his moment and stood in front of him.

"That would be better than being not able to submit the project on time and then not getting marks at all."

Neil opened and closed his mouth.

"I thought so."

"Now listen carefully you do the reading and the searching of information from books, I will search some extra information then you have already removed from online yesterday?" Neil huffed but nodded.

Avni smiled satisfyingly as his grumbling started to work.


Hope you enjoyed the update!

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