| 2 7. 5 | neil

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Neil was not able to wipe a small smile from his face, even when he returned to their hiding after calling a taxi for Avni and making sure she left safely. He was feeling quite content so when he returned he was not ready for the disapproving look he got from Juhi, Riya, and even Karan who rarely gave fuck about what others did.

"What?" he asked dropping himself on the sofa beside Aman, who just adjusted himself to give him space.

"Neil what is wrong with you?" Juhi questioned, Neil confusedly looked at her, "Huh?"

"Avni, what are you doing with her?" Riya asked, her hands folded on her chest, every time Riya did that always led to a long discussion.

"What is that I am doing with her?" he questioned back.

"You bastard don't give us that attitude," Karan cursed, Neil glanced at Vidhyut he just shrugged and went to the kitchen, "Everyone in this room can see how you look at her."

"Now how do I look at her?" Neil knew what he was talking about but he was not ready for what was coming.

"You know it, Neil and if you know that you should also know that Avni you saw today is not the Avni you knew!" Riya bluntly said, he didn't say anything, he didn't have anything to say.

"Stop hurting yourself by putting yourself through that cycle again and again."


"You loving her and her leaving you, do you think she is here to stay? The moment this drama or her education whichever ends earlier, she will be gone, just like that."

Juhi sat beside him, "Even if she doesn't leaves, Neil there is barely a chance she shares the same feeling as you, she hates every single one of us Neil, every single one of us."

Neil felt violated when Juhi put his most vulnerable insecurities right now in words. They all knew about his worst insecurities and fears, they knew what he was going through the last few days. They were giving him time to figure it out and when he was not able to they laid all the facts he was worried about in front of him in raw form.

That was how they dealt with every problem, leaving everything in open rawly.

But today it felt weird, he didn't want to hear this stuff. His mind had already told him about these things enough times. He didn't need someone to repeat this.

"Give him a break," Aman muttered getting off the sofa.

"I think you have already crossed the line between friendship and love Neil,  you can't give excuse of her being a friend now." she continued.

"I like her okay? I have always liked her, even when I despised her, I don't know how this is gonna go, most probably I will be heartbroken again, but that's okay till I get to like her," he breathed, Neil looked at his hands, he didn't want to look at them, "I just want to like her."

"Oh Neil," Juhi muttered her hands went around his body, she hugged him tightly, "Neil. . ." she trailed off.

"You are being so stupid," Riya says but he felt her hands around his shoulder, her head near his nape hugging him.

"I needed to scold you more but you just made me emotional," Juhi mutters, "I just want to like her? What romance book did you read before coming here, you fool."

"I'm not emotional yet I can still punch some wise thought in him." Karan said, "You've been single your whole miserable life, shut up." Aman retorted as Juhi and Riya moved away from him.

"How is me being single and him being stupid fuck is interrelated?"

"Keep speaking you will realize yourself," Vidhyut muttered from the kitchen where he was cooking.

"Bitch, are you all teaming up against me? I thought it was Neil who we were teaming aginst." he grumbled.

Neil laughed, Juhi pushed his hair back, eyeing them distastefully. "Please for god's sake get this hair styled, with this hair you won't get a girl even after paying her, wooing and getting one is far thought." she criticized, Neil touched them and frowned.

"They look good?"

"Yeah, sure they do."

"Don't take what she says to heart, right now only hairstyle she seems to like is one Vidhyut ends up with." Aman teased, all of them bursted in laughter, Vidhyut was smirking while Juhi blushed, she picked up an empty bottle from the floor and threw it towards him.

"Come here you little," Juhi said, as she watched him dodge the bottle.

These were the people Neil cherished the most, his stability. He knew whatever was going to happen after this he will have them, always.

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