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"If I open up my heart to you, I know that you could lock it."


Avni was pretty sure she was not this nervous when she last time came here, she was nervous of course but not this nervous. And her nervousness was explainable considering if Neil found out what she had planned, the truce they had made will end and she will be the reason for it.

Honestly, she didn't want to break the truce but there was no other option she was being able to think about other than this. She rang the bell with her unsteady hands, the door was opened a minute later. Neil stood in front of her, his hands in the sweatpants, a grunge mint green t-shirt covered his torso. She forced herself to smile and enter the house.

"So let's get on the project?" He asked, Avni stopped, if they get on the project then she will not get time to go around the house.


Neil raised his eyebrow questioningly, Avni faked a laugh, "I meant no, this is my second time in your house don't I deserve a tour?" She asked.

Neil rolled his eyes, she sighed, he has still not suspected anything, "You are too dramatic, come on let me give you a 'tour' of this place."

Avni faked a grin and rubbed her hand on her jeans as she followed him towards the kitchen and the other rooms. Soon enough they were climbing the stairs and looking at the first door of the second floor.

"This is my bebe's room, she is out of town for meeting her friends." he pointed out a white door and then turned towards a door in front of it, "This is my parent's room, my mom is at my dad's office for some meeting so that's it here."

They walked to another corridor, there were three rooms, Avni recognized Neil's room instantly, Neil glanced at the two rooms, "The right one is my dad's study and-- um. . .left one is Kareena's room, it's empty now we moved her stuff to the basement a few years ago."

She looked at both rooms, if it was possible her guilt intensified, she glanced away from Kareena's room and coughed loudly, twice. . .thrice.

"Avni you okay?" Neil asked, he moved to pat her back but Avni kept coughing, "Wait here I will bring water from the kitchen."

She watched him disappear, her heart heavy from guilt as she composed herself and hurried towards the study, to her surprise it was open, Mr Khanna must trust his family a lot if he left it open, she hurriedly pulled herself inside knowing she barely had five minutes till Neil returned, this was one of the problems of having a large house you had to walk a lot.

She looked around the room with bookshelves and files she hurried towards the black table in between, she pulled the drawer open yanking few papers out, if Mr Khanna was ready to give papers to Mr Mehta it must be out somewhere so he would not have to search much. She shuffled through many papers.

She opened the third drawer in left pulled out the papers, reading through it, she sighed when she didn't find anything close to mention of shares, she tried to open the last drawer but it was locked, Avni kicked the table, the papers were in that drawer, she knew it. She looked at the papers in front of her, her eyes widened when she looked at the door, Neil stood there, a water bottle in his hand, in the frustration of not finding anything she had forgotten about him.

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