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"If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing,"

[ Let's clear some things out since in today's chapter we are going to talk about the Timeline of the story, I'm making something clear, this story has been set up in the year 2016 in the year which Naamkaran originally aired with Arsheen Namdar ]


Avni groaned and looked at DD who shrugged, "I told you, you will not find anything."

"So what I'm supposed to do? You are not telling me anything either." she mumbled while rubbing her hand on her face looking around the stack of newspapers from the year 2003 the year her mother died, the year everything changed.

"How will I know anything Avni? I was a kid too then." DD hisses back, throwing his hand up in the air, in a dramatic way. "You have seen these kids hate my mom but you don't know the reason?"

"Avni I think even they don't know the reason why they hate your mom." DD calmly states a stark contrast to what she was, she was going haywire trying to find the reason behind all the hate in them, Avni paused her pen, she looked at DD.

"I hope you don't mean what I'm thinking." she looked for assurance in his eyes and when she didn't find it, she covered her mouth before writing hastily what she had discovered.

"They all are just products of their parents thinking, this is ridiculous twenty-year-olds believing what their parents told them?" She pondered over what she said, "DD what is going on in this place? What are these so-called adults doing?" She wondered loudly, DD kept his hand on her giving a squeeze of reassurance.

"Even in this newspaper, there is nothing absolutely nothing that might tell what happened that day or in that year." she shared her concern with DD, who nodded in understanding.

"Avni you need to understand, everything works with influence and money here without them you won't find anything." DD explained, she agreed to his words, she leaned down on the table of the library of the college.

It felt like the wall of the library was closing on her, she took a deep breath, this was not the end of the mission of finding the truth, finding the reason why they all hated her, it was just a start.

"DD tell me about your family." she demanded, DD frowned but then nodded understanding her need of finding distraction.

"It's not much of family I only have a, my mum, she works at your family's factory in the replacement of my father." he said, Avni's face twisted in confusion, "Replacement?" She asked.

"My father died when I was seven, It was an accident in the factory my mom told me, she said your family has helped us a lot after that." she nodded feeling proud of the fact that he was not ashamed of his background, most people would be.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, soothingly, DD shrugged smiling at her, "It's been long, I don't even remember him much now."

"He was a good man, I guess that's all I remember of him."

"That's what I remember of my mom too, I remember her briefly tucking me in, carrying me out of school after I hurt my leg." Avni closes her eyes remembering that brief blurred memory. That's when she realised she had found her first clue.

"DD you said your father died when you were seven?" DD nods at her, his brows crinkling, Avni opens a new page of the book she was writing in, "Please tell me you were born in 1996."

"Yes, I was," Avni grins in triumphant, "DD we both lost our mother and father respectively in the year 2003." Avni explains to him, before scribbling 2003 in the book and her mother's name and DD's father's name, underneath, she puts a dash in front of DD's father's name and writes cause of death accident in the factory.

And then she moves to her mother's name and puts a question mark in front of the dash. Her mother's cause of death was unknown to her, all could she remember, Mr Mehta, telling her that her mother won't come back ever, growing she had never been curious to know the cause too since for knowing it she would have had to call her father.

She felt like the worst daughter ever, she had been so selfish.

"You don't know the cause of her death?" DD questioned, making her nod and tap her pen on the table, "Avni that's okay but I don't understand how you think these two incidents have connections."

"DD they both died in the same year, they have a connection!"

"Avni many people die in the same year—"

"DD but that's not the only connection they have, they both are connected to Phoenix Industries which is owned by Mehta, Khanna, Kapoor, Pandit and Arora family." she whispers, pointing at an article where Mr Mehta stood beside her Mom with four more couples she assumed as other four couples.

"Avni they are not connected anyway— you need to understand my father was a worker and your mother owned shares in that Industry." he exclaims, Avni nods in understanding.

"I know that DD, believe me, I do but is there any mention of my mother dying in any of these newspapers? No there is not—" she picks up a newspaper, "—DD usually media digs for news concerning the death of a worker, working in the industry yet there is nothing." she waves the newspaper in front of him.

"The only thing that can answer our questions is knowing how your mother died, why don't you ask your father?" DD said after being quiet for few minutes.

"Mr Mehta?" Avni snorted, "He won't answer any of my questions and I can't afford him knowing I'm digging the past, if he has any hand in this, finding truth will be harder than it already is."

"Then how?"

DD's question hanged in the vacuum, as they both pondered over it.

"Death certificate," Avni muttered, clicking her pen, "I can get my mother's death certificate!" She jumped in excitement but then settled back again when everyone in the library glared at her.

DD shook his head smiling, "Do you know where it is kept?"

"Most probably Mr Mehta and Mrs Mehta's room or in Mr Mehta's study." Avni hummed, a smile taking a place on her face, at last, they were getting somewhere. She looked at DD with a grin "You are not a bad partner." DD grins back but then he stops.

"Avni you will have to steal from your home!" He exclaims, "No. . . . no. . . . no. . . you won't do this—"

Avni laughs, a free and real laugh, "Home? That place is not home for me DD, it's just a place I stay and eat before I finally leave for my real home." she said, thinking about the small apartment, she, Ali and Nano had, her real home.

"When you say stuff like this I realise I don't know you." DD spoke with a thoughtful look, Avni gave him a small smile.

"The less you know the better I will seem to you."


"Nothing I will meet you tomorrow with what I find out." Avni packs her bag to leave but then she halts "DD don't disappoint me." she said before leaving the library.


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