Chapter 24 - Puppets? -

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((A/N: hey I just thought I should mention that if you guys like the OC x Cannon part of this story, I have a new story up for some One Shots for Kira and Hiro. Okay, you may read now lol))

The trio in the cell were silent for the longest time. They had no knowledge of how much time had passed, but they knew it had to be more than a couple minutes, maybe even closer to a day passing. They had no real reason to say much, until Mathew finally said something.

"Hey..." He said, turning to face the pair, "May I ask why the two of you came by yourself? Clearly all of your friends could have helped in Kira's search."

Both Kira and Hiro's eyes widened as they glanced at each other. They couldn't tell Mathew about being super heroes, could they?

"Um..." Hiro looked around at everything besides the other male, "Y'see-"

"We're all in a little argument," Kira interrupted, "So in a way we aren't really speaking..."

"Are you sure that's it? Or is there something else."

"That's it."

They both stared at each other for a moment, as if silently talking to one another before he let out a sigh.

"Okay. I'll believe you for now."

She shrugged, "Okay, believe me or don't. I don't care."

'I'm used to it anyways...' She thought. "Hey..." Kira stared down at her feet, trying to avoid any eye-contact, "Do you think... That maybe all of this was caused by something?"

Her voice was soft, as if she was wondering if she should say what she was thinking.

"Mom and Dad... They were really nice, and then suddenly, it all went away... What if they're just puppets in their strings and there's really someone bigger we need to focus our attention on...?"

The two males stared at her, processing what she had said.

"That... Could be possible..." Mathew replied, "A bad case of amnesia from he crash could've caused it too..."

"Yeah but that's not what I mean. What if there's someone they report to...?"

"If so, we're in a lot more trouble than I thought we were."

The sounds of footsteps interrupted them, and the trio went silent.

"Well well well, did I interrupt something?" The female voice was sarcastic and immediately Kira recognized it as her mother, "Or are you all just not talking?"

Michelle walked up to the bars, her face barely illuminated by the lantern, and she had a smug grin on her face.

"What do you think?" Kira snarled, refusing to look at her mother.

"Oh, I'm not sure," The blonde seemed to laugh quietly at them, "maybe you were discussing something? Maybe about your dead siblings?"

"SHUT UP!" Kira ran up from her spot and up against the bars, hoping it would do something, "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TAKE ABOUT HER!"

"No right?" The older woman looked as though she were hurt, "But she is my daughter. I may talk about her as much as I please."

"She WAS your daughter!"

"Kira-" both Hiro and Mathew tried to get her to calm down, but she wouldn't listen.

"You two stay out of this!!"

Michelle's fingers ghosted over the brunette's chin, pulling it up slightly.

"My little daughter," She whispered, "If you'd prefer to stay alive, I would be obedient. Otherwise you'll be joining Elizabeth and Tadashi."

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