Chapter 14 - Peace -

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"So..." Hiro said softly as he, Kira and Baymax walked back to Kira's house. He and Kira were holding hands and walking close together. The temperature had dropped again from the time they had left the train station, "Are we... Going to say anything to the others?"

"Tomorrow..." Kira yawned, "I'm too tired to tell them tonight..."

He smiled, "Alright, but I think I'm gonna tell Aunt Cass when I get home."


Once they got to her front door, she turned to face Hiro.

"Goodnight Hiro," she said, and kissed his cheek. He blushed slightly, but smiled.

"Night, Kira," he let go of her hand. She turned and entered her home and waved goodbye as she locked the door.

"C'mon buddy," Hiro said and looked up at Baymax, "time for us to go home too."


'2 AM and I still can't sleep...' Kira thought bitterly as she turned on her side, looking around in her dark room. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness around her, so she looked for anything that could help her sleep.

'Everyone's probably asleep...' She sighed and reached over towards her phone. When she turned it on, there was a bright light illuminating from it, and she squinted, trying to get used to the light.

'Maybe there's something I can listen to... Elizabeth used to have something, I think...'

She got up and went over to her sister's drawers. Back when she was alive, Elizabeth and Kira shared a room before their parents went missing. When they were by themselves, Elizabeth moved her stuff into her parents' room so Kira could have more space, but left a couple of drawers there filled with some of her stuff. Kira never had the heart to move them, and always left them there. She looked through the pile of clothing in one of the drawers, trying to find anything that could help her to sleep. While digging around for something, she felt something that didn't feel like clothes.


She reached down, wondering what was there, and pulled out a square white box laced with pink ribbon.

'What's this...?'

She looked around the box, noticing there was something to be wound up.

'This... This is a music box, isn't it?'

She wound it up and sat down on her bed. The top of the box opened up to reveal a princess dancing slowly by herself, swaying gently to the rhythm of the music that had started. The melody the box emitted was so peaceful, and Kira felt her eyelids starting to droop. Slowly, she placed the music box on her nightstand and fell back onto her bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she began dreaming. In her dream, she found herself walking slowly in darkness.

'Where am I going...?' Her thought echoed around her, as if bouncing off invisible walls. 'What am I trying to reach...?'

"What aren't you trying to reach?" A voice whispered back, "Where aren't you going?"

It was trying to toy with her, or at least that's what it sounded like to her.

'How would I know...? Everything is dark...'

"Isn't that the point?"

'You tell me...'

For some reason, the voice felt very familiar, she just couldn't remember where she had heard it. Silence fell upon the two, minus the sounds of Kira's footsteps. She didn't know why, but she couldn't stop walking. She could speed up and slow down her steps, but she couldn't stop. If she tried, she felt fear everywhere and it made her keep going.

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